Chapter 1 ~One Life~

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Your POV

I come back home after a long day of recording. I recorded 5 songs today and to top that off, I had a photo shoot. I walked into the kitchen to grab a snack.

"Hey mom," I greet, kissing her cheeks respectfully. I walk behind her and grab some fruit snacks.

"Hey Y/n! How was your day," my mom asks before taking a long sip of her hot chocolate.

"Same old, same old, tiring. I think I'm gonna go take a nap, goodnight mom," I wave at her before grabbing a water bottle.

"Night honey," she smiles.

My dad was probably upstairs sleeping as always. I have two siblings. One sister, one brother. My sister was out partying with her boyfriend and friends and my brother, well he's everywhere. Most of the time I don't know where he is.

We all just kind of do our own thing here at the L/n (Last name) residents.

I walk upstairs in my room and plop on my bed.

I turn on my laptop and open up my fruit snacks.

Maybe I should introduce myself. I'm Y/F/N (known as your full name).

I'm signed to Capitol Records and Usher is my manger. More like my bro though. I'm an 18 year old pop star and doing the damn thing. Can I say, succeeding tremendously at it.

I have two siblings, a brother and a sister. They're the most annoying people to ever face this earth especially my brother.

I love my job more than anything in the world. Well, except for Justin Bieber of course.

I'm in love with him. Ever since I was 12. I never stop dreaming about being married to him. I mean who doesn't? He's so hot.

Let's not forget to mention his wonderful personality.

He's just the one I adore and I don't even know how I'd react if I ever seen him in person.

I sigh deeply and smile.

Too bad that'll never happen....

I check my Twitter to get my thoughts away from never marrying Justin Bieber which sucks, immensely.

I log into my Twitter and scroll down a few tweets before deciding to tweet on my own.

I tweet "Back from a long day of recording. Exhausted."

I leave out the part of my photoshoot because it's suppose to be a surprise to everyone.

I decided to do a following spree since I haven't done one in a while. When I reached the following limit, I retweeted a few tweets before deciding to do something different.

I check my celebrity crushes Twitter, Justin.

So much for using Twitter to get him off my mind.

I browse through his twitter and smile because of how much he loves his fan. I love my fans just as much as he does. A few minutes later, I get tired and get ready to go to sleep.

I change into my night wear attire which was a gray shirt with black shorts and pink outlines.

I cut off the lamp and snuggle into my bed.

I wake up to my phones annoying tone permeating the whole room. "Ugh!" I sigh deeply.

I look at the caller ID and notice that it was Usher, my manager. "Hello," I say monotonously. "Hey Y/n you have a meeting today about your album at 3:00PM." I sigh " Okay thanks bye." "Bye I love you." "Love you too," I say as I hang up.

Did I mention how Usher's just like my bro but still my manager?

At 1:00PM I brush my teeth and take a shower. I eat breakfast and check the time. 2:30PM. "Okay I'm leaving now bye mom and dad." "Bye" they say in unison. After we exchange I love you's, I drive to the meeting to meet Usher.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you happen to be rereading this, yes, I did make some changes because I hate this book & I'm trying to improve these earlier chapters so they could be like my newest ones :). If you're a new reader, thanks for checking out my book :)) I promise it gets better than this. Early chapters are always lousey. There will be 2 or 3 sequels to "One Life" & I hope you will enjoy each & every one of them. This will be a fanfiction about you & Justin. Once I'm all done with "One Life", I will start a book that's not an imagine. In the mean time, bare with me & don't be afraid to give me new ideas!! I hope you enjoy!!

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