1: Adventure Awaits For Them

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"What?! We're going on an adventure?!" I hear Black say.

"Well, yeah! I'm pretty sure I got the information correct," Cheren replied, looking all scholarly. Since when did Cheren got an information incorrect? NEVER. He's that kind of guy that reads, reads and reads. His mother probably read him encyclopedias in bedtime when he was a kid. "I can replay the whole scene with Professor Juniper if you like."

"I can't wait! I wanna go now!" Bianca jumped up and down as her short, blonde hair bounced along with her. "Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go!!!"

Seriously?! Bianca hasn't changed since I first saw her years ago: hyper and doesn't know a thing about the world. She's like a puppy with ADHD that drank coffee with extra sugar. But I do admire her enthusiasm. 

Enough of their behavior. This information is GOLD. I can imagine my ears perk up like a Swoobat.

Oh, yeah, right. My name is Gray. I know it's a pretty weird name for a girl, but people here in the Unova region give pretty weird names. I live in Nuvema Town, like these guys, but I try not to show myself to other people. I'm a shut-in and I rarely go outside, rarely being once a week. How can a person not go outside? Simple. If your daily schedule is limited to eating, sleeping, watching television, gaming and a few household chores, it won't be hard. Okay, technically, I go outside everyday, but only in the small garden behind our house which is hidden by hedges. And I exercise so I don't get fat.

I'm also home-schooled so I have no experience in dealing with people. It's not like I hate crowds but if I can avoid them, I will. Only my grandmother and my aunt knows I live here, the rest probably thought that I'm just a tourist or a kid on vacation. Oh, and the professor too. She visits sometimes to consult Aunt Clare because my aunt is very knowledgeable about Pokémon. Sometimes, after my online classes, I help her in the lab; only if there's no one outside or there's no one in the lab, of course.

When I was 5, my family died in a ship wreck. My father, mother and younger brother died. I obviously survived. If I remember clearly, I held on to a Pokémon and tried to swim. The Pokémon took me to a lifeboat along with other survivors. Since then, I lived here in Nuvema. My Aunt works in Castelia as a clerk and she goes home at midnight. My grandmother stays at home, like me, she's a shut-in. I have one Pokémon, a Zorua. He's not actually mine. Zorua's my grandma's Pokémon but I've played with him since I was a kid. But now, it sounded ridiculous to play hide-and-seek with someone.

"We're going to have a Pokédex! Isn't that cool?!" Black announced, rather loudly. "I heard what they can do and I think they're pretty awesome."

You're probably wondering where I am. Well, I'm hiding in the bushes. I don't want anybody to see me but I do go outside by the grove sometimes and spy on other people's conversations. I know who's jealous of who and who keeps a secret from who. I'm the grand database of rumors. Besides, I'm picking berries for Zorua and I's snack.

"I wanna have a Pokédex now!" Bianca added and started jumping up and down again.

"Well, it will take lots of preparations," Cheren said. "We'll need enough food, clothing and other essentials. We should also learn how to survive and fight with Pokémon: wild or not. We'll meet a lot of different people around Unova and some of them may not be nice."

Great. So they're going on an adventure? Looks like I'm going to lose a means of entertainment.

"Hey Prof. Juniper said she's going to give our Pokémon and Pokédex today!" Black suddenly said, looking at his XTransceiver. "I better tell mom."

"Yeah, we better tell ours too, Bianca," Cheren added.

Bianca looked depressed for a second but then she smiled. "Okay."

So they really are serious about this? They're going away? Just like that? I admit I'm pretty jealous. I never go anywhere except Nuvema. But why should I care? Like I ever had someplace to go to, anyway. But I can't stop caring. 

"Come on, let's go!" I watched them wave and ran to their respective homes.

I wish I can join them. I wish I can show myself to Prof. Juniper and say 'I want to have an adventure too'. I wish I can leave this place. I wish I have friends. But the only friend I have is Zorua. And he isn't exactly that attached to me. Why am I having these thoughts? All my life I'm contented with being a shut-in so why should I change that attitude now?

"Nothing's gonna happen if I stand here all day!" I muttered to myself, a plan formulating inside my head.

I don't like the sound of my plan already.

Can I do this? Can I come out to the light from the darkness I hid for nine years?

So, how is it? Please comment :D

(Edited: 4/2/16)

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