38: Pinwheel Battle

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I rode a train to get to Pinwheel Forest, since Aero is not that strong yet to carry me up in the sky halfway through Unova. I actually met White on the train. We talked about how she continued battling the Subway and she's doing pretty good filling up her Pokédex. She said that she's not going to challenge the League, since that was Black's dream and she's going to defeat the Subway Boss and go challenge the Institute. We said goodbye eventually.

"Ah Pinwheel Forest... Breathe in that fresh air..." I told my Pokémon, who were out of their Poké Balls.

Shiny squeaked in delight, Umbra smirked again (he's not cute anymore when he's smirking since he is a Zoroark), Aero squawked and flew overhead, and Draco sniffed the ground.

"See?" I said as I marched happily. We came here to 'talk' to Virizion, the forest guardian and 'ask' it to help us and to convince the trio that humans are not THAT evil anymore (minus Team Plasma). That's the least I can contribute to this war, anyway.

We were walking down the grassy path but there's another guy blocking the way.

"Help, help!" he said. "Oh young trainer, please help!"

"What's the problem sir?" I asked. The forest looks peaceful enough....

"There's a couple of youngsters wearing medieval costumes that infiltrated this special path! You must help the Forest Guardian, or else, the peace of the forest would be disrupted!" he panicked.

Team Plasma bothering legendaries again?

"Yes, I'll stop them sir," I said. "Come on guys."

"Be careful, young miss. They look pretty strong!" he said.

"Oh, I'll show them who's strong all right!" I said as we ran off through the special path.

We entered a clearing with lots of mushrooms and flowers growing. The flowers reminded me of Gracidea flowers native to Sinnoh. I saw them in an encyclopedia once and it was a way of giving gratitude.

"Hey! You're trespassing!" a voice said. Out came five Plasma grunts.

"Trespassing?! You're the one who's trespassing!" I said.

"Never mind that girl. Let's continue our business," Grunt 1 said as he ordered his Whirlipede to destroy a tree.

"Aero, Crush Claw!" My Rufflet did not waste any time as he made the Whirlipede faint.

"What the-" Grunt 2 said. "You really want a battle huh?"

"Let's make her pay for it! Steal her Pokémon!" Grunt 3 huffed.

Grunt 1 released another Pokémon: Swoobat. Grunt 2 took out a Liepard and a Herdier. Grunt 3 released a Klang as the fourth released a Galvantula. Grunt 5 released a Trubbish and Garbodor.

"Ha. Think you can beat us?" Grunt 4 smirked.

Should I call Cobalion? Maybe I'll attract too much trouble and compromise him...

"Aero, Airslash on Swoobat! Umbra use Foul Play on Liepard and Herdier! Shiny go hit Klang with Swift and Wake-up Slap! Draco use Dragon Pulse on Trubbish and Garbodor!"

My Pokémon attacked their opponent. The enemy unleashed attacks but somehow, they don't have much effect. They were probably scared of their 'masters' and holding back. I still had problems with that Galvantula, since I don't have any Pokémon to challenge it.

I ordered my Pokémon to use special attacks to hit multiple of them at once. Draco wasn't that bad either, despite being a recently hatched one, considering it defeated Trubbish.

"Shiny!" I saw Shiny as she was hit by a strong Thunder... She looked like she was about to faint. Then for a second, she looked healthy and continued attacking her opponent with Swift.

What just happened?? I looked at my other Pokémon, they all look healthy even though their opponent hit them with strong attacks. The grunts looked like they noticed it too.....

"Galvantula, Thunder Wave! Give them your best shot!" the Galvantula released a strong thunder but Umbra dodged it easily.

"Umbra! Can you dodge multiple attacks at once?" I asked my Zoroark. Umbra smirked and nodded. "Then, use Taunt!"

With Taunt, my opponent would focus their attacks on Umbra, who is very fast. My other Pokémon would easily attack the distracted opponent.

It sure did the thing. The enemy attacked Umbra with their best shot, but some attacks ended up hitting each other because my Zoroark was too fast.

"Aero, Shiny, and Draco use your special attacks!" their attacks hit the other Pokémon critically.

"Umbra, don't attack! Just focus on dodging!"

"Liepard, you stupid Pokémon, Pursuit!"

"Focus, Garbodor! Stop following Zoroark around!"

"Galvantula, *%#*%*%!"

Those grunts are pretty harsh on their Pokémon. Only those three were left and they are not exactly good at aiming.

"Shiny end this with Swift! Aero, Crush Claw! Draco, Dragon Pulse! Umbra, return!"

Soon enough, the three Pokémon fainted.

"Curses! Stupid Pokémon! Can't even handle a battle!" Grunt 1 said.

"You're the one who's stupid! Don't insult your Pokémon!" I said.

"Oh yeah?! Well, were-" Grunt 5 started to say.

"Shiny, Sing!" I cut her off, before she can say anything. The grunts fell asleep instantly. I called Looker on the XTransceiver to deal with them. I was just finished in tying them up when he arrived within five minute.

"Thank you. I admit you're fast!" Looker said as he took the grunts inside the car.

"No problem," I smiled. I admit this International Police thing rocks!

"This grunts are targeting something... I just don't know who! Going in a place like this..." he mumbled.

He might be right... They must be targeting the trio....

"Well, don't worry! We'll catch them in no time!"

"With your talent, you might get the International Police badge pretty fast," he said as he drove off...

Now to deal with the real thing...

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