39: The Forest Guardian

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"Cobalion!" I called the legendary Pokémon to my side.

'Yes?' Cobalion arrived like the wind.

"I am ready to face Virizion!" I said.

'Well then, go and show Virizion your kindness' it said. 'You had already showed me your willpower, but you need to prove Virizion the truth and your ideals.'

I walked up to the clearing. "Virizion! Please come! I know you're the one who healed my Pokémon earlier while I was battling Team Plasma! Thank you for that," I said to no one in particular.

'I am right here,' a voice said.

A beautiful green Pokémon came out from the trees. Virizion walked to me with grace and elegance.

'What do you want, human?'

"I- please help me face Team Plasma and stop their plans in separating humans and Pokémon!" I said, not knowing what I should say.

'Why should I help you? I had seen how humans like you treated Pokémon earlier! Used them like tools and ordered them around!' Virizion huffed.

"Because not all humans are like that. There are humans like my friends who treat Pokémon like partners. I don't want them to be separated from me!" I said.

'Why? To use them as tools?' Virizion huffed again. 'You, human, are wasting my time.'

"Please, don't go! Look at my Pokémon, please! They don't hate me like the others hate their Plasma trainers! Please look how they are happy battling with me," I said.

Virizion looked at my Pokémon inside their Poké Balls.

"Please look at them!" I pointed toward the trainers below us having fun in the forest. "Pokemon and humans are meant to be with each other! Look how happy they are with their trainers! Look how kind they are to each other! Please look! I want to stop Team Plasma from separating them forever!" I sound pretty desperate, but I am! I don't want my friends to be separated from me!

Virizion looked at the trainers and their Pokémon. It looked at how a little girl fed her Cottonee with berries, how a young boy raced with his Pansage. It looked at how a scientist talked to her Gothorita about something and a Harlequin made his Leavanny laugh.

'You may be right...' Virizion replied. 

'I have traveled across Unova and I have seen how humans interact with Pokémon' Cobalion added. 'Many things changed since the war.'

'Humans have the capability to change...' Virizion said.

'For the better,' Cobalion said.

'For the worse,' Virizion said. 'I have seen kindness in your heart, young human, and I hope that that kindness would not change for the worse.'

"It won't," I said.

'I shall try to trust humans again. But once that kindness falters, I will not help you anymore,' Virizion said. 'As Cobalion has done, I shall travel across Unova. And call my name once you need help,' it nodded at Cobalion and began to walk away.

'Farewell, Gray.'

Pokémon BW: whiteflareXblackboltWhere stories live. Discover now