12: Musharna

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What are these guys doing here? Maybe their secret hideout is in Dreamyard. Or maybe they have a mission here? They're spreading weird speeches right? If I were them, I'll spread speeches in a CITY not a SECLUDED place. People get stupid sometimes.

They went to the back of the yard, and I followed them stealthily. They keep glancing in every direction, so I have to hide now and then in a nearby tree, wall, rock and even garbage cans and scrap metal!

They look suspicious enough. Yes.... They must be searching for something...

"Where is it? Are you sure it's here?" the smaller guy said.

"Yeah. Boss says so!" the taller one replied.

"Fine. This place is creepy..."

"Just shut up okay?!"

Very, very suspicious. Wait. Maybe they're trying to steal something? I'm about to step closer, but then I stepped on a bottle!


I face palmed inside my head. STUPID!

The weird men looked at me. It took one second for them to know what was happening. "Swoobat, Whirlwind!"

A strong - very strong, mind you, wind hit me, throwing me in the air. I can't see anything and I'm just going around and around. I hit a trash can with my stomach and hit a branch with my head.

"Oww.." Wow. Very professional.

Then the wind suddenly stopped as I looked around. No weird men. I lost them. I tried to search for them but only saw litter and pieces of junk, broken walls and trees in every direction. Looks like I lost myself, too.

"Great," I muttered. "Just great!"

Then, I heard a Pokémon cry behind me.

"Wahh!" once again, very professional. I turned around and saw a rather sad looking violet, pink and peach Pokémon with some kind of purple mist surrounding its mouth. A Musharna, maybe? I do wish I have a Pokédex.

I don't know why this beautiful Pokémon would stay here in this abandoned yard. But I once read in books that Musharnas and Munnas like to eat dreams. Dreamyard was an old factory that is now abandoned, but a lot of the workers' dreams stayed here.

It cried again and glanced everywhere. Its searching for something...

"Hey, watcha looking for?" I said.

The Musharna looked at me, then a blurry Munna came out in view then faded.

"Oh.. uh your uh... baby?" I asked. That vision was cool, but I know that the Musharna just projected it. I learned that in encyclopedias.

The Musharna sort of nodded.

"Okay. I'll help you."

We went between a series of maze-like walls, but no Munna anywhere. I can't believe I ended up finding some lost kid.

But the Musharna looks like it would cry.

"Calm down," I said "We'll find Munna, I promise!" Wrong move Gray! I never should have promised her (if it was a her)! Promises are meant to be broken. If I didn't find Munna, I'll surely break its heart.

Then we heard a shout. Voices that sounds familiar. It should be familiar since I've spied over them for years!

"Bianca, Black!" I have never felt so happy to see those two. Well, not THAT happy anyway.

"Come on, I think I know where your baby is!" I gestured the Musharna to follow me.

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