47: Relic Castle

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"I'll go with you!" Cheren said.

"I'll stay here," Bianca squeaked. "I'll take care of things here," she added.

"I'll go research some more data and call Aurea," Professor Cedric said.

"Come on, Black! I'll accompany you to the Castle!" Alder took off in an instant.

"I'll help you!" I volunteered.

"What?! You stay here!" Black said.

"I saw how N revived Zekrom! I can show you how! I'm not stupid, you know!" I pointed out.

"Fine! But you stay on my watch! And don't come anywhere near danger!" Black said. "Go! Brav!" he took out his Braviary.

I took out my Braviary too. "Aero, fly to the Desert Route!"

In ten minutes, we arrived at the Desert Route. We met up at the Relic Castle which was underground.

"I do believe the Light Stone is here," Alder said.

"Come on!" Black grabbed my hand as we went down the underground Castle. The Castle was full of sand, and not just any sand but QUICKSAND.

"Careful!" Black said as we crossed the Quicksand. "Don't run!"

"I won't," I said as we went deeper below.

"Hold my hand," Black said as he held out his hand.

"Seriously?? I can walk on my own you know," I stepped on the sand, and I sank down.

"See???" Black helped me get up again.

"Fine," I grabbed his hand as we went deeper and deeper.

"Kick N's butt for me okay?" I said.

"My pleasure," he laughed. It was getting darker and darker now and we had to battle some wild Pokémon.

Then we met some grunts on the way. I don't know what they are doing here. Are they hunting Reshiram too?! I thought N wanted Black to have Reshiram?!

Black defeated all of them. I keep wondering where the Light Stone is... What it looked like...

We were so deep now, I can't see anything anymore.

"Careful, okay???" I heard Black say.

"Okay," I said.

"Hey, Gray???" Black said. "I know I better tell this to you."


"Well, I sort of uh..."

"Do you need to go to the bathroom? Don't worry I can't see anything anyway," I said.

"No! That's not what I'm going to say!" Black said. "I-I-I LIKE YOU, GRAY!" Black blurted out.

Like me? Is Black joking or something?

"Well, it all started when we were kids, I saw you always hiding behind the bushes and I actually thought that you were stalking me," he laughed. "I got angry a bit but then I realized that I like it that you are stalking me, and I started to like you too."

"I-I- I'm not stalking you!" I felt heat rose up my face.

"That's when I realized that you were not stalking me. When you said that when I met you personally," he said. "So I have to ask you, Gray. Would you like me back?"


"Black, I already like you. But not the way you think of," I said.

I regretted what I said. I just friend-zoned Black.

Black was silent.

"I'm sorry," I sighed. "But you need to think of stopping N. That's more important than me."

"I don't know what's more important," he sighed.

"Saving Unova is more important," I said.

Then I got it. That's why the Dark Stone looked familiar! The Dark Stone looked like the stone in Nacrene's museum! Only white!

"Black I-" I started to say. But then Black's hand slipped from mine. "You're caught up in a quicksand!" I struggled to keep him up.

"Let go, Gray," he said.

"What?! Are you crazy?!!!" Black's hand started slipping.

"This is the way to the Light Stone," he said. "Let go."

"But the Light Stone is-" I started to say, but then Black's hand slipped and he sunk down the quicksand.

Oh Arceus......

"Gray! Black!" I heard Cheren's voice and I saw a beam of light.

"Cheren! Black's sunk down!" I said.

"It's okay! Alder is down there, too! The Light Stone is there!" Cheren shouted.

"No!! The Light Stone is not down there! Its not even in Relic Castle!" I said.

"What do you mean?!" I finally saw Cheren walk to me.

"The Light Stone is in the Nacrene Museum!"

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