26: White??!!

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To my annoyance, Black accompanied me through Desert Route. He keep blabbing off and battling trainers along the way which just slows us down. But at least we got a whole lot stronger after battling especially Umbra who just turned into a Zoroark. The egg was still not responding. At least we can see Nimbasa's skyline now..

"Hey! I can see the Ferris Wheel!" Black said, looking up.

Nimbasa was so huge and full of amusement parks! Like I said before, I do not go anywhere outside Nuvema and haven't been to amusement parks. I'm so itching to ride that Ferris wheel and that roller coaster!!

"I wanna ride the ferris wheel!" I said.

Sorry, I just can't control myself! I mean, my brain can't control itself again.

"With me??" Black grinned.

Hmm... Should I let him???

"If you treat me," I grinned. Always grab the advantage, as Aunt Clare used to say. 

"Okay," he grinned. "Its a da-"

I didn't hear what he said because a girl who looked ALMOST EXACTLY as Black shouted. The only difference is her blue eyes and long, curly hair. It's like a genderbent Black wearing contact lenses. It was absolutely terrifying. 

"Heyyyyyyyyy!!!!! Black!!!!!!!!"

Hmm.. Maybe this is Black's crush? He must be a narcissist.

"Hey Cousin Black, long time no see," the girl grinned. "Hey, never seen you before.... WAIT! Is she your GIRLFRIEND???" she squealed.


"What?? No!!!"

"Yeah, no!!!"

"Not yet anyway..."

"What did you just say??!!" I said with gritted teeth.

"Hey, what's your name?? I'm White!!" she smiled.

Wow. So she's White. I kinda expected a serious person like Cheren.

"Gray," I said.

"Are you a Dex holder??"

Why do people keep reminding me?!!


"You're cute and I like your sweater," she grinned. "Black, you should date her!"

"What?!" I said. "Black-"

"Okay," Black grinned.

Oh I'm sooooo going to kill you... Oh I will put you in the middle of the desert and bury you in rocks and let Vullaby feed on your eyes...

"I'm going to treat her to the Ferris wheel anyway," he grinned like crazy.

Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

"Come here!" White grabbed me by the arm and took off. "Bye cousin! See you later!"

"Hey!! Where are you taking me??!!"

"To our new house of course!" she grinned. She is so like her cousin: annoying and crazy! I wonder if their family have mind problems...

"New??" I admit, I got curious.

"Yeah, we used to live in Castelia. But we chose to live in Nimbasa, where its more fun! My parents are friends with the Professor in Nuvema, so I got a Pokédex!!"

Lucky her.

"Are you challenging gyms?"

"No. I'm more of the Battle Subway type," she grinned.

I had no idea what Battle Subways are but then she began to blab about things about Nimbasa, which I didn't understand because she talks too fast.

We arrived at a fancy looking house.

"This is our house!! Come on I'll show you!!"

"Why am I going to your house??!"

"Because I need to fix you up for your date, DUH!" she opened the door an bolted upstairs.

"I am NOT going on a date!" I forced down a shudder. 

Is she insane??! Why am I going to date with a guy I barely know! Remember that I hate anything involving romance? And with Black for Arceus' sake!

"You are. I thought you wanted to ride the Ferris wheel??" she pouted.

"I am going to ride ALONE," I huffed. These people are crazy!

"No YOU ARE NOT!" White huffed back. "Come on, Ferris wheel tickets are expensive so is the other rides and the Big Stadium and Small Stadium!"


"Are you going to waste precious money when you can get them for free! Besides, Black will treat you dinner! It's a once in a lifetime opportunity!"

Hmm.. The way she puts it makes it sound good. But the bad side is: I have to spend my time with the most annoying person in the Unova region!

"Come on Gray, it's just for one night?" she pouted again.

Oh for Arceus sake! I'm going Klang in this one.

"Fine!" I gritted my teeth.

"Oh we are going to change your outfit alright!" White smirked.

Oh great. Arceus, what trouble did I put myself in! I wanna go home!

Thirty minutes later...

"Hey!!" I complained. "That hurt!"

White was combing my unruly hair.

"Are you even combing?!"

"No! Ain't nobody got time for that!" I complained. "Aw!"

"Sorry," White was tying my hair into pigtails which she insists I look cuter. I actually don't care what I look like.

"You should comb your hair every-" and White blabbed off.

I didn't hear her because I was busy looking at the mirror.

Oh, Arceus! I'm too girly!!!

My kneebackers were changed to a pink skirt from White. My black shirt was changed to a white sleeveless top. Good thing I still wear my gray sweater. White insisted I wear long black socks and black training gloves. At least I get to keep my sneakers. But my small orange bag was replaced with a bigger black an neon pink one.

Oh great Arceus!! I look like.... a puffed Cincinno!

"You can keep all that. I have too many clothes," White winked as she finished my hair.

"No thanks...." I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh you will keep them! Bu the way, your Shiny looks pretty strong already!"

I had released my Pokémon to play with White's Pokémon. They were chasing each other down with White's really girly room.

"Thanks, I trained it hard."

"You know? You're like a sister I never had... so I'm going to give you something," she took out a shiny stone from her bag. "Here."

"What's this?"

"That will help your Mincinno greatly! Come on let's get you outside!"

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