30: Hunting Team Plasma

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"I finally decided to hunt Team Plasma down," I announced the following morning. "I'll find my Aunt and save the Pokémon they stole."

"Are you sure Gray?" Bianca asked. "Can you do it? Because the police are..."

"Of course she can!" White said. "You know, I'm going to keep track of Team Plasma too. I'll ask my buddies from the subway."

"Thanks," that would be a great help for me.

"Just take care, okay?" Professor Juniper said.

"Yes. I'll still help you with your research. I mean, I kind of promised you I'll help."

"You don't have to," she smiled.

"No. I don't break promises."

I noticed that Black has been silent all this time. (Cheren is always quiet, but sometimes he mutter). Maybe he figured out that I didn't follow his advice. It was too late anyway.

"Will you still challenge the gym?" Bianca asked.

"No," it may be a good training but it takes too much time.

"You know, I'll lend you a Pokémon. In fact you could have him," White said.

"What?! Have him?"

"Yep" she took out a Poké Ball. "He's a Rufflet. I caught him last week and figured that I don't have a place for him in my party since I already have a Vullaby. I want him to have a journey and become stronger, so I guess this little guy can go with you instead."

I took the Poké Ball. "Thanks so much!" I released the Rufflet. It flapped around me and White, maybe figuring out who's his trainer?

"Rufflet, this is your new trainer, Gray!" White said.

The Rufflet flew to me, and flapped around my head.

"I'll give you a nickname," I decided. "Aero."

It gave a little flapping dance and settled on my shoulder.

I looked at the people around me... all of them are giving glum expressions.

"So.. I better get going now..." I mutter. "Thanks for everything....." I said.

Thanks for being my friend. Thanks for all those support and happy times.


I took a step out of the door, away from friends and comfort and to the world of danger and evil. To the world of Team Plasma.

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