37: Looker

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I managed to get out of the now smoldering cave. I got a few burns but they were NOT THAT BAD. They hurt a bit but I can handle them I think. 

Then I remembered the sleeping grunt sprawled outside. Beside the grunt was her snoring Heatmor but there's another guy wearing a coat near her.

"What are you doing?! Are you Team Plasma?!" I grabbed one of my Poké Balls.

"No! I am not!" the man said as he inspected the grunt.

He looks suspicious enough so I didn't dare take my hands off my Poké Ball.

"I am from the International Police," he said as he showed me his card. "Codename is Looker."

"What are you doing here?" I snapped.

"Well, I am hunting Team Plasma. What are YOU doing here?" he said.

"I CAPTURED THAT GRUNT AND BEAT IT SENSELESS!" I said. "I'm hunting Team Plasma because they kidnapped my aunt AND steal Pokémon AND hurt wild Pokémon."

"Well, we can be allies then!" Looker said. "An enemy of your enemy is your friend. You can be a.......sidekick of the International Police!"

Hmmm... It sounds promising, I can become stronger here and find Team Plasma faster. Not to mention, I'd work for the IP themselves! I heard they were special agents that operates secretly to find terrorists and criminals. It's a one of a lifetime opportunity!

"Deal!" I shook his hand. "What do I do? Where do I start?"

"Just continue searching for Team Plasma. Call me when you find them doing illegal things," Looker said as he handed me his XTransceiver number. "That number is classified by the way. So is our deal. The IP needs a lot of trusted helping hands. We haven't really built a strong base here in Unova yet. But of course, the rest of it is classified to you."

"Well, call me if you find my aunt," I said as I flashed her image in my XTransceiver. "I'm sure the police have records of her so you can check that out, sir."

"You can count me on that one," Looker said as he handcuffed the grunt and returned the Heatmor to his Poké Ball. "Now, I should arrest these guys. They have a lot of EXPLAINING to do."

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