8: First (three) Battles Part 3

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"Let's make this a one on one battle!" Black said, after I fully healed my Pokémon and Cheren gave me my prize money.

"Fine. I'll choose you, Shiny," Minccino squeaked while Umbra rolled his eyes. Sorry, buddy. 

"Okay. I choose Tep," Black's Tepig grunted. I knew Black had acquired a Munna and a Rufflet when we were kids but I haven't kept tabs on them when we grew up. As much as I was curious about Pokémon battles, I wasn't one to risk my stealth to watch them. I wonder how strong those two are already. "If you win, you can continue stalking me and I'll treat you later and I'll double the prize money."

"I am not stalking you!" I growled. Oh great Arceus, stop me from kicking this guy! But I do think that the prize money and that treat would be nice...

Black just smirked. "But if I win, you'll admit you have a crush on me and you'll treat me!"

"Fine then!" I smirked back. "But that ain't gonna happen!"

"Let's see about that..." Black adjusted his hat.

Oh, boy I'm gonna tear you apart!!!

"Tep, Tackle!" Tepig charged to Shiny. Typical Black. Always the one who'll initiate the first attack.

"Use Swift!" Shiny released a fair number of stars towards the fire-type. Ha. With Tackle, Shiny's Swift would affect him more! He has no escape! *Insert evil laugh here*

He smirked gleefully. "Jump then use Ember!"


Tep jumped in the air, using Ember to power up his jump, and dodged the Swift attack.

"You're not the only one who can pull tricks, you know!" he laughed.

"Swift below!" I commanded Shiny. We're not losing this battle and I'll get that doubled prize money and treat at the end of the day!

Tepig, who hasn't landed yet from his high jump found himself attacked by the set of stars.

"Same to you!" I said smugly.

"Hmph!" he grunted like his Tepig. "Tackle!"

"No! Swi-" the attack hit Shiny. Too late.

"Ember, Tepig!"

"Jump, Shiny, then hit him with your tail!" it was sort of using her tail as Pound instead of her arms. This battle depended on our Pokémon's agility so I have to make use of everything and every available part of my Minccino to defeat Black's Tepig.

Unfortunately, Tepig managed to look up in the last seconds, hitting Shiny with Ember from his nose. Fortunately for me, Shiny's attack hit Tepig, too.

"Double Slap with your tail!" I commanded.

"Burn the grass with Ember!"

Shiny hit Tepig two times in the face, but once she landed, she got damaged with the flaming grass. My Minccino received a bad burn, and she looks near to fainting. But so is Tepig. Our battle now depended on our luck and wit. I could feel every inch of my body burn with anticipation. This is my most intense battle yet! 

"Ember again!" Black shouted.

"Dodge, then Swift!" we countered.

The stars, heated up by the flaming grass, hit Tepig critically as Shiny'd health lower with her burn. Both Pokémon fainted and we returned them to their Poké Balls.

We extinguished the fire with dirt and Oshawott tried to use Water Gun (sort of, it drank water from the stream and doused of the fire) to avoid the fire spreading. We don't want any trouble with the nearby Rangers.

"It's a tie!" Bianca squealed, Cheren mumbled while Black and I growled.

"Not bad, Gray!" Black finally gave me a sincere grin.

"I could say the same for you!" I grinned back.

"And looks like no one is getting their treats!" Cheren announced with a small chuckle.

"That's fine with me," I lied. What a waste of good food and money! But I'm pretty proud of Shiny and myself. Black is more experienced in battling than I am but we still manage to hold our ground. It's a huge feat in my book.

"Hey! Why don't we travel to Accumula Town together?" Bianca suggested. "That would be more fun than separating ways! We could train together!"

"Okay," we all agreed. Deep inside, I'm secretly glad.

Looks like my battles are a success! So is Operation: Making Friends!

(Edited: 4/5/16)

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