22: Lost Munna

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"There you are Black!" A thin man wearing colorful clothes came to greet us. I recognized him from Pinwheel Forest. He must be Burgh. With him is a girl with thick long violet hair.

"Why? Are you too excited to have a gym battle?" Black boasted.

"We found your friend, Bianca. She was unconscious earlier but now she's awake," the girl said. "By the way, I'm Iris."

"What? Bianca? Unconscious?" Black muttered, confused. I guess this is too much for his brain. Maybe he had a brain freeze earlier because of that cone.

"What happened?" I asked.

"She claims Team Plasma stole her Pokémon and knocked her out," Burgh said.

"You mean punched her or beat her?" Black looked worried. Well she is his childhood friend after all. And maybe his crush.

"No! Sleep Powder!" Iris said. "Here she comes!"

Bianca came running to us. "My Munna was stolen!"

"We have to track Team Plasma down!" Iris cheered. "You come with me to the docks, Black"

"Bianca and you, young woman, come with me to the streets," Burgh said.

"I'm Gray," I said.

"Okay, Gray. Nice to meet you."

Black and Iris went to the direction of the docks (Iris rather cheerfully). I wonder if Iris is Black's crush.

Bianca, Burgh, and I went to the last street.

"Hey, uh Burgh?" I said.

"What?" he continued asking people.

"Why don't we check that empty building near your gym?" I said. An empty building sounds too suspicious.

"Near the gym! That's ridiculous! Why would Team Plasma set up camp yards from the Pokemon Gym?!" he laughed.

"Because its the last place were going to look for," I replied lamely.

"Fine. But let's ask people first," Burgh said.

Minutes later, I saw Black and Iris chasing a grunt.

"Hey!!!" I said. I followed them, Burgh and a still worried Bianca trailing behind us.

We stopped at the empty building, which isn't technically empty anymore.

"See? I told you!" I said to Burgh.

"I guess you are right! But this is so ironic!" he replied.

Burgh, Black, Iris and Bianca came to speak and battle with the grunts. I hid behind them but I'm still observing them. There were plenty of grunts inside but Black's Pignite, Iris' Axew and Burgh's Sewaddle beat them up. I noticed that there were old guys there like Gorm and that guy who has long hair and weird clothes I saw on TV. They did gave Munna back but only after telling us about 'liberation' again. They escaped though, using smoke balls.

"That's a shame," Iris complained. "I want to beat them up."

"Beating old people up is not good, Iris," Burgh said.

"Oh, Munna, you're alright!" Bianca hugged Munna.

"Black, go to my gym if you are ready," Burgh said. "You too, Gray. I can sense that your Pokémon is pretty strong."

"Hey, Gray!" Iris called me.


"You're traveling right? I guess you can have this egg," she gave me a black and purple Pokémon egg. "Take good care of it."

"Hey! Why don't you give me one too?" Black said.

"Well, you're team is pretty strong already. And based on your stories, Gray needs an addition to her team. A strong addition," Iris said.

"Thanks, Iris."

"No problem," she huffed.

"Now Black, I heard you were talking about me?" I said.

"What?" Black turned red again. "That's because she wanted to know who you are!"

"Hmm.." Black is getting pretty weird lately.

Then a thought struck me hard. PRETTY HARD.

What if I'm Black's crush?

Haha. Nice joke, Brain.

What if I really am?

Stop assuming Brain!

Well how come he always turns red?

That's nonsense!! Besides, Brain, Black met me about four days ago!

Well, he already saw me remember? He said he saw me last last last week ago!

So what, Brain? That doesn't count!

Oh yes it does!


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