63: A Hero's Triumph

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"Carracosta use Hydro Pump on Reshiram!" a deep and evil voice said from behind the pillars.


"Aero, Whirlwind!" I said to my Braviary, who wasted no time. He gave his strongest flap of his wings, but it barely made Hydro Pump weaker. It missed, hitting a pillar instead.

"Ah! Curses!" Ghetsis appeared from the shadows. "You!" he pointed at me. "YOU NEED TO BE ELIMINATED!"

"You're the one who needs to be eliminated," I said. "What is YOUR PROBLEM??!! AERO, BRAVE BIRD!"

"Brace yourself Carracosta!" Ghetsis spat out. "My plan would have been perfect if any of YOU stupid Dex holders didn't interfere!"

"YOUR PLAN??!!!!"

Aero's attack hit Carracosta straight, but it was too powerful and Carracosta's shell was so hard, both Pokémon fainted.

"Stupid Pokémon," he growled. "That freak of a boy must win at all cost! So that we, no- I! I would rule the entire Unova region!"

"You call your son a freak??!" I took out Draco.

"That boy??!! He's merely a tool! That freak is a fool believing in Pokémon! He didn't even know how to interact with humans!" Ghetsis laughed and he took out a Poké Ball. It was his Hydreigon, who I learned was Draco's parent.

My Zweilos looked at his mother's eyes. But Hydreigon's eyes glared with disgust. Draco backed up in terror. He doesn't want to fight his own mother.

"Ha! Another weakling! It was a good thing I ditched that egg!" he smirked. "Now to end you girl and your weak Pokémon, Hydreigon, Dragon Claw!"

"Draco, duck and use Dragon Breath!"

Zweilos was too small for Hydreigon's claws (back claws mind you, Hydreigon's arms are its heads). Draco released purple energy, which was super effective to another dragon type, but didn't do much effect.

"Ha! As I said a weakling!" Ghetsis laughed. "Finish its trainer!"

The Hydreigon stared at me with rage, and raised its three heads for a strike, but Draco blocked all three heads hurtling towards me.

"No! Draco you'll hurt yourself!" I said.

"Let him die!" Ghetsis snickered. "All of you useless interrupting kids should die!"

Hydreigon was pushing Draco back, harshly. Draco already looked tired.

"Draco, let g-" I stopped. I understand why Draco didn't want to stop. Draco wanted to prove that he was strong. He wanted to protect his friends. "You can do it!" I shout instead.

Draco burst with energy. It managed to push Hydreigon backward.

"What?! Impossible!!!" Ghetsis growled.

And Draco turned into a Hydreigon.

"Draco use Dragon Breath!" my new Hydreigon released the strongest amount of dragon energy I had ever seen. Within seconds, Ghetsis' Hydreigon fainted. I returned Draco, who was panting with fatigue.

"No!" he growled. "USELESS POKEMON!"

"It's time to end this!" I growled back. "Victini!"

He glared at me with anger in his eyes. "Fine! Virizion and Cobalion!"

And he took out the two legendaries I had failed to help. They glared at me with hate and disgust.

"Genesect!" he took out another one. "Now! I am truly unstoppable!"

"Keldeo!" I took out the fourth Swords of Justice. Keldeo looked at Cobalion and Virizion meaningfully, and for a second their expression changed.

"Not so fast!" a familiar voice said and I turned around to see White, rushing towards us. "I won't let you rule Unova! Meloetta!"

It was Victini, Keldeo, and Meloetta vs. Cobalion, Virizion, and Genesect.

"Master," the Shadow Triad appeared. "We have come to help you."

"Not so fast again!" Chili's voice resounded in the walls, between Reshiram and Zekrom's roar.

The Striaton Brothers!

"We'll handle this!" they laughed as they faced the Shadow Triad, now with Landorus, Tornadus, and Thunderus.

And the battle began.

"Keldeo, Bubble on Cobalion and Genesect! Victini, Flamethrower on Virizion!" I said. "Cobalion and Virizion snap out of it!"

The attacks hit, and again Cobalion and Virizion snapped in focus, but returned again just as quickly.

"Ha! Gene-" Ghetsis started to say.

"Meloetta use Sing on Cobalion and Virizion!" the two Pokémon started to get drowsy.

"No!" Ghetsis cursed. "Genesect, use Hyper Beam!"

The powerful beam hit Victini, but luckily, didn't make it faint.

"Genesect, Hyper Beam on Keldeo!"

"Keldeo do-" I started to say but Genesect was just plain fast.

Keldeo grimaced in pain, and suddenly Virizion and Cobalion's eyes opened, anger was there but not at me. At Ghetsis. My unsuspecting Victini rushed towards Virizion and Cobalion's Poké Balls and destroyed it, freeing the two Swords of Justice.

With the speed of lightning, they hit Genesect using their legendary swords. Genesect fainted immediately.

"What??!!" Ghetsis face palmed. "AGAIN??!!" he glared daggers at us. "SHADOW TRIAD!"

The Shadow Triad appeared beside me, grabbing my arms and shoulders.


And then White punched one, who let go of his grip. Chili kicked the other one who also let go. The one behind me was too surprised, and I managed to free myself.

"Meloetta, Sing!" the attack missed because the shadows teleported beside Ghetsis. But Meloetta's attack hit Landorus, Tornadus, and Thunderus' Poké Balls, which were already torn because of the Striaton Brothers Pokémon's attempts to free them. It did the trick.

"Genesect! Self Destruct!" Ghetsis ordered.

We were surprised. Nobody. Nobody ever does that move! It can cause extreme damage to Pokémon, even death!

But did Ghetsis care? No.

Cobalion and Virizion stood in front of us, used Light Screen and Protect to defend us from the forbidden move.

Genesect exploded, leaving everyone safe (Ghetsis and the Shadow Triad must have used a protection move too) except itself. Genesect crumpled up, its body smoking with multiple wounds.

Just as Zekrom fell out of the sky, with N riding on its back.

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