61: Truth vs. Ideals

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"We are very sorry," one of the Sages said. "But we must eliminate you," they pointed to Black.

"Wha- ME????" Black pointed to himself.

I thought N wanted to battle Black? Why eliminate him?!!

"Ghetsis said that you would spoil our plans," another one said, getting a Poké Ball from his belt. "King N would be very disappointed, but this is for the best."

"No such luck," I grabbed my Poké Ball too, followed by Black. I am NOT going to let them defeat us, much less kill my best friend (more than best friend actually).

"Ya better prepare then," a familiar voice, which is probably Clay said.

"Gym Leaders," a Sage groaned.

"Yes. Just in time," Elesa followed, along with the other gym leaders.

The gym leaders lined up to battle the Six Sages (along with Iris and Cheren).

"Black, hurry up and battle N!" Drayden said as he threw a Poké Ball, revealing his Haxorus.

"Okay!" Black said. "Come on Gray!"

"Candelure, Ember!" a familiar voice, a voice I always hear since my childhood, shouted.

A huge fire erupted between me and Black, separating us.

"You're not going anywhere!!" my Aunt Clare appeared, wearing the weirdest costume in the universe: Team Plasma Uniform.

"Black, go!" I threw Aero's Poké Ball.

"I'm not going without you!" he grabbed his own Poké Ball, preparing to fight.

Ugh. Those cheesy parts.

"Yes. You. Are," my Aunt glared at him. "Ramparados, EARTHQUAKE!"

A Pokémon I had never seen before stomped the ground, making everything tremble. The gym leaders and Sages fighting were affected, except for Skyla who took the opportunity to attack.

A huge crack in the ground appeared, separating us more and more. I fell, but Aero caught me.

"Stop this!" why is my Aunt doing this? "Aero, Air Slash!"

My Braviary's attack slashed right through Ramparados, but didn't make much effect.

"Rock Throw!" my Aunt said and her Pokémon started to throw huge boulders.

"Dodge!" I said in the nick of time, making the rocks hit the walls of the castle, making them crack.

"Wait up!!!!" Black shouted as he started to cross the fault line.

"This is not your fight Black!" my Aunt growled. "Your fight is with the King! Chandelure, Flamethrower!"

The fault line was sent ablaze.

"Black! Just go!" I said.


"We need your help Black, and your help is not by being here!" I said as I continued the battle. "KELDEO!" I took out the legendary. "Why are you doing this?" I turned toward my Aunt.

"Because I agree with N!" she said. "Because Pokémon deserved better!"

"Don't you want to spend time with your Pokémon??!" I said. "Look at Chandelure! And even Ramparados! Look how happy they are in battling with you!"

She hesitated. "But people use them for evil things! They must be freed!"

"Yes. They are. So that's why we need to separate Pokémon from bad people! But not all of them are bad!" I said.

"Like who?!!!" she screamed. I can see that she's stressed, not knowing which side she will go.

I pointed at Team Plasma grunts below us. The wall, which was weakened by fire and stone broke apart, showing us the scene below. Thousands of Team Plasma grunts were fighting with trainers below, the Elite Four fighting multiples of them.

"Look how they use their Pokémon!" I pointed at the grunt who smacked his Pokémon and kicked them. "They deserve none! But look at her!" I pointed to a girl, who hugged her Pokémon to protect it.

Her eyes widened. Clearly she hadn't seen grunts in action.

"But not all of Team Plasma are like that!" she said, grabbing her was in frustration. "King N, Anthea, Concordia..."

"That's why you need to join me," I said, offering my hand for her to take. "Aunt Clare let's seek for the truth and ideals."

My aunt looked at me, with enlightenment in her eyes. "Join you..." she started to take my hand when one if the Sages shouted.

"Eliminate the girl, Bisharp!"

With a flash, I see Bisharp hurtling towards me, its blade hands whizzing in the air.


But then somebody blocked the way.

It was Aunt Clare.

She didn't even scream as she shielded me with herself.

I won't describe what happened anymore.

The only thing I remember is Elesa's Zebstrika attacking Bisharp, making it faint.

My aunt crumpled on my feet.

"No..." I said as I tried to stop the bleeding. "No, no, no, no, no..."

"I'm sorry Gray," she whispered. "Looks like I won't be around for a whi-" she coughed up some blood.

"Help!" I pleaded for anyone.

"The blood..." Elesa muttered. "It's too..."

"No no no no," I said, I feel something wet coming out of my eyes.

"Gray... your brother..." she coughed again. "...alive."

"What??" I said.

"Saw him... alive..." then my aunt fainted.

"No," I shook my head. "Is she..."

"Let me," Brycen said as he and his Cryogonal came closer.

"Wha- what are you doing?"

"Cryobiology," Lenora said as I watched my aunt being covered with frost. "It uses ice to preserve life."

"Is she going to be okay??" I asked, wiping my tears away.

"Of course," Drayden nodded then pat my head. "Your au-"

But I didn't hear any words he said, because inside my mid I remembered what she said.

My brother is alive.

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