32: Cold Problem

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"Hey! Hey! Gym Leader!" I tried to catch Driftveil Leader's attention. 

"What's yer problem kid?" the leader said in a rough voice. He looked like a pretty tough sheriff.

"Team Plasma's gonna escape with that bridge going down!" I blurted. I kind of realized its not wise to shout at a gym leader you barely know.

"What?! Why didn't cha say so!" he said. "Ahm gonna kick those kids --- if it weren't for Elesa!" he groaned and started to walk toward the bridge. I followed him.

"I'm going to search for them," I said.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's talk later. Ahm gonna give these kids a good lesson," he said. 

Then I saw Cheren and Black walking to our direction.

"Hey, ya kids just caused Team Plasma to escape!" the leader said. "yer meddling made mah job worse!"

"Sorry, sir. We just wanted to challenge you, Leader Clay," Cheren blurted.

I'm kind of amused to see them looking troubled.

"Well, find those Team Plasma and I'll let cha challenge mah gym!" Clay said as he stormed off. "Now missy, let's talk." 

I followed Clay without looking back.

I told him my problem and new goal to find Team Plasma and my kidnapped aunt.

"That's a real problem ya've got," he said as he scratched his chin. "Why don't cha help me find these Plasma grunts in that ol' lil storage at the south of town."

"Okay, thanks sir," I started to walk to the south side and I found Black and Cheren.

"Hey," I said to no one in particular.

"Finding Team Plasma too?" Cheren said.

"Yeah," I stepped inside the freezing storage. It was slippery and teeth-gritting cold.

"Careful, you might slip and break some bones," Black said. "Nite!" he took out his Pignite. "Keep us warm!"

We kind of skated across boxes, challenging workers on the way.

I took a step on one of the ice when... OH *#^{%*! 

Black caught me just in time, but then HE SLIPPED ON ICE TOO.


"Watch out!"
"Geroff'me!" I pushed him off. "Owww," my head hurts badly. I must had hit it pretty hard. My ankle hurts worse.

"Sorry...." Black muttered. He's blushing too. "Hey are you alright?!"

"NO! Of course I'm not okay," I said sarcastically.

I tried to stand up, but my feet burns, and I fell again and hit my head.

"Gray!" Cheren said.

"My bad. My uh..." I don't want to be a burden.. lying time again. "Go, Umbra!"

The Zoroark tried to support me.

"Hey, are you alright??" Black looked pretty worried.

"I told you I'm not! But I'm in fighting condition so go!" I shooed them away. Team Plasma is more important.

They slid among the ice while I grabbed on Zoroark's fur as he slotted across.

"Hey! Maybe they're on that container?" Cheren pointed at a large open cargo container.

"Let's check it out!" Black followed Cheren.

"I'll stay guard first, then I'll call Clay," I'm itching to kick those Team Plasma grunts but I think I must leave this to authorities then question them later. 

I heard them having a Pokémon battle inside, and I really can't control myself now. Even though my ankle is hurting like crazy, I managed to show themselves a good lesson.

"Where did you take my Aunt Clare?!!" I grabbed one of the defeated grunts.

"We didn't take anyone!!!" he said.

"YOU'RE LYING!!!" I shouted at his face. "Umbra!"

Of course I'm not going to hurt him. I am not like Team Plasma.

"No, no, no!" he shut his eyes in fear. "Please don't hurt me! I don't know! Promise!"

He seems to be telling the truth. But I bet that old guy in the middle knows. Before I could come up with him, Clay and the workers already arrived.

"We're goin to take ya fer questionin!" Clay said as they rounded up the grunts. "Heard ya all've been stolin some folk's Pokémon and kidnapped tis lil missy's aunt!"

I wanna tell Clay that I am not a little missy but nah.

"Leader Clay..." I started.

"Leave it to me missy," he grunted as they walked off Cold Storage.

I started to walk too, but my ankle get the best out of me.

"Hey don't walk for a while," Black said. "We need to find you some medic."

"Fine," I grunted as I stared at the grunts' figures slowly getting smaller and smaller.

Next chapters are private for some reason, but dont worry, most are not. ;)

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