62: WhiteFlare

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I left my Aunt to Brycen who promised he would take care of her and send her to the nearest hospital. The other gym leaders ran off to help other trainers and put sense to other Team Plasma members.


I ran up the stairs, to the topmost room where I know the legendary battle would happen. I can't stop thinking about my brother... is he really alive?? Is Kuro still alive?? If he is, where is he????

I hear a huge roar which sounded like N's Zekrom. Is Black faring well?

I have so many questions in my mind...

I went inside the Throne Room, the source of the sound. I looked up to see a huge part of the wall destroyed, and Zekrom standing between N and Black. Black looked worried, but brave at the same time.

I was the first one who saw it. Black's bag trembled. A stone, no other than the Light Stone, floated upward.

The Light Stone started to spin fast, REALLY FAST and somehow its getting bigger. A magnificent white dragon sprouted from the stone, with vast white wings shaped like sails with collars at the neck. But the most amazing part of it was its tail. The tail was like a turbine, with white fur at some of the sides, extending at the end. I can hear its heartbeat from here.

Then the magnificent white dragon opened its eyes, which was the bluest blue I had ever seen. Its blue eyes is full of truth. Then it roared, and its tail started flaring like crazy. It released white fire in every direction. The dragon of truth is radiating a blazing aura. Finally, the dragon settled and looked at Black.

"Reshiram..." N muttered as he looked at the dragon. "So you really are the Hero of Truth. Now, show me!!! Let's see who of us will win!!!"

Zekrom and Reshiram clashed with each other. Electricity and Fire sparked in every direction, damaging the pillars and the floor.

"Zekrom, FUSION BOLT!" N commanded. The black dragon surrounded itself by a sphere of electricity and hit Reshiram straight in the chest.

Black looked at his Pokédex. "FUSION FLARE!" similar to Zekrom's attack, the white dragon covered itself with a ball of fire and struck Zekrom in the head. Black climbed up on Reshiram's back as N climbed on Zekrom's.

"Dragon Breath!" N ordered.

"Dragon Breath too!" Black seconded.

The two attacks clashed, causing a huge explosion, tearing up the ceiling of the magnificent castle.

The two dragons, yin and yang, black and white, truth and ideals, flew upward to the sky. They were evenly matched with each other and didn't stop giving attacks. It's only up to N and Black's spirit now.

I didn't dare interfere with the legendary battle.

But someone did.

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