2: Too Late

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"Okay. You can do this."

I finally decided to come after all and ask for my Pokémon and that device called the Pokédex. Professor Juniper already knew me so introducing myself would not be much of a problem. Then it suddenly occurred to me: I don't know anything about traveling! I might know some things about Pokémon (I read encyclopedias if I get too bored), but I don't know how to apply them in real life! How was I suppose to survive a day outside my house!

"Oh great," I muttered. Too late, I'm currently walking towards the lab and my brain was hay-wired not to stop. Why am I so stupid, stupid, stupid!!!

I can feel the local people's stares and if humans have laser eyes, I'm already a pile of ash. Some of them squinted, probably trying to remember who I am. Even though I do go outside, I'm easy to forget and blend in with the background but I'm pretty sure my nine years here earned even a bit of recognition. Nuvema isn't exactly a tourist spot and people rarely visit the town. New people tend to be noticed around here. 

"She looks familiar. I think I saw her somewhere," I heard someone mutter. Hmph. Probably one of those people who see me taking out the trash or picking berries.

"Isn't she the one who always visit Clare?" someone asked.

"Yeah, I recognize her. Probably her niece or something. Now that you mention it, I think she's always visiting here in Nuvema."

Somehow, I'm pretty glad that they recognize me. Otherwise, that would be depressing. I glanced at some of our neighbors staring at me. I can feel they want to ask me. Too late. I should have practiced speaking before coming here! Like that would make a difference, anyway.

I tried to ignore them as I walked towards the Juniper laboratory. The facility is simple and built in their house. I pushed open the wooden door and entered the lab. The familiar scent of Professor Juniper's favorite cherry blossom air freshener greeted me. It was soothing but did not help as I look up to see all four (7 if you count the Pokémon) staring at me. Black, Cheren and Bianca watched me like I was an alien invading Unova while Professor Juniper smiled at me.

"Hey, I know you!" Black suddenly said.

What? He knows me? That was next to impossible. Okay, maybe not THAT impossible.

"..." I said, or more like, I didn't say as I stood frozen on the spot like a hibernating Darumaka.

"Good day, Gray! What brings you here? You see-" Professor Juniper started to say.

"You're the one who's hiding in the bushes earlier! And last week! And last last week!" Black pointed at me accusingly like someone who points at a murderer.

What? So I'm not that good of a sneak after all. And he actually caught me spying!

"Black-" the professor started again.

"Wait. Are you my stalker or something?" he said.

"What?!"-Professor Juniper, Cheren and Bianca.

"..." -me, blushing with embarrassment.

There was a awkward moment of silence. I knew I should have thought more about coming here! Maybe I should have waited until all these three got out!

"Black, calm down! And don't be rude!" Cheren elbowed his friend, breaking the silence.

"I'm surprised you don't know her. She's Gray and she lives here in Nuvema, too. For a very long time," Prof. said, to my relief. "Gray, what bri-"

"Really? She lives in Nuvema? How come I never see you?" Bianca asked. "Hmm... actually, you look very familiar. But I thought you were just here for vacation!"

"That's a good question but I'm sure Gray has her reasons, and please-" the professor started again.

"Like stalking?" Black said.

I swear to Arceus, I'm starting to hate this guy!

"I-I-I'm n-n-no-not stalking," I tried to shout, but my voice just came out as a whisper. Thanks, brain.

"Really?! I think not. Do you have a crush on me?" he said.

Okay, now I'm going to feed this guy to a Galvantula!

"Black, STOP!" Prof. Juniper scolded. "I'll confiscate your Pokédex back if you don't stop!"

"Okay," he whimpered.

Ha. Serves that brat right.

"Gray, I'm sorry about these kids' attitude. Anyway, what brings you here?" Professor Juniper said.

"I-I-I wanttogotoanadventuretoo!" I blubbered. "IwanttohaveaPokédexandtraveltheUnovaregion!"

Ah. Blurting that out felt a little bit good. But then, here comes the hard part...

"Of course!"

Wait. What? "Really?"

"Well, I don't have any more Pokédex to give you..."

Oh. "B-b-but that's o-o-okay right? You can still give me a starter right? I mean, please?"

"I'm afraid Tepig, Oshawott and Snivy are already taken," Professor Juniper looked meaningfully at Black who had Tepig, Cheren with Snivy and Bianca with an Oshawott. "I am terribly sorry..."

Ouch. I can't believe I risked my level of exposure for nothing! I can't believe that my only hope of starting a new life would be gone in less than 30 minutes! People would know me as the shut-in-who only-showed-herself-because-she-wanted-a-Pokédex. I failed. Embarrassingly, too.

"I guess I'll go find mom and tell her I'm starting a journey. Bye! Come on Tep!" Black said as he started to march out of the lab with the fire-type trailing behind his new master.

Oh Black. If you just know how I'm jealous of you.

"Actually, I better tell my parents, too. Come on, Bianca!" Cheren said. "Nice to meet you, Gray." Both of them went out with their Pokémon following them.

"I'm sorry, Professor," I said, finally saying a complete sentence without stuttering or blubbering. "I better go home now."

"Wait!" the professor suddenly said. "I think you still have a chance."

(Edited: 4/2/16)

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