27: blackXgray Part 1

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White pushed me to the door. "Go on, go on!"


"No buts!" White shushed me. "Ohhhh Black would drop dead if he sees you!"

Black can DROP DEAD for all I care!!! Okay.... maybe I do care.... but A LITTLE.

"I-I-I changed my mind!" I said, trying to take much space from that door.

"No! You are not changing your mind! I wasted precious time for you! But I did had fun...." White babbled off, pushing me towards the door, her ponytail bouncing.

"No..... Arceus save meeeeeee," I weep.

"Servine! Help me out!" she took a Servine who helped pushing me. I was thrown out of the house!!!!

"Nooooooooooooooo!" My life sucks!!

"Woah," -Black.

I can feel boiling hot blood rise up. Now that's a first, I never blushed before- WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT??!!


"Isn't Gray cute??!" White squealed.

"I'm impressed White, you really should have stuck designing clothes!"

What should I do? What should I do?

"My-uh stomach is uh.. aching," I muttered.

"Don't worry those are Beautiflies!" White grinned.

Nooooooooooo. I need a desperate action or I'm going back to my house in SHAME!!

Of course, the perfect plan...................... RUN.

I ran away, yes RAN away. I am very much scared of close.... uh..... interaction with the opposite gender.

Unfortunately, that STUPID SKIRT keep flinging so I have to hold it down when I run!!!! Why did I agreed anyway! My greediness for money struck again!

I ran towards the amusement park, where there were a lot of people. I could be camouflaged here....

"Hey! Why are you running away?!" my most hated voice said as he grabbed my arm.

Crap! I've been caught! Its because of that stupid skirt that slowed me down!

"And don't ever run away like that! Your skirt flings!" Black huffed. "You'll catch a lot of attention, then. You don't want that, do you?"

"Of course not!!!!" I growled.

"Yeah, I don't like you to catch attention, too!" Black huffed, then dragged me to the opposite direction.

"Hey?! Where are we going???!!! The Ferris Wheel is that way!"

"The stadium of course! We are going to watch soccer!!"

I can't believe how my life turned out to be!!! And I'm not even interested with soccer!





My ears are hurting very bad. People around me are shouting and cheering at the players who seem to be kicking a ball. Black is joining the Shouting Squad so I have to close my ears every now and then. I wonder what the big deal is about shouting. If I were to cheer a team, I'll just like their page in the Internet.

"Stoooop," I muttered.

"Just watch the game will you??" a girl next to me said.

How dare she speak to me as such a time like this??!!! Must... ignore...... I tried to watch the game and actually found it cool. The players are kicking around and stealing the ball from the opposite team. Sometimes, a player falls down and THAT'S FUNNY. And I found myself somehow cheering (inside my head) on them, too.

After an hour, the game was finished. And I actually enjoyed the last part. My ears hurt pretty bad, though.

"Hey, isn't that great?! The red team sucks and the blue rocks!!" Black blabbed off about the game.

"Can we go to the Ferris Wheel now???"

"Not yet," he grinned.

Black is completely wasting my time.

"I'm gonna win you a plushee!"

Pokémon BW: whiteflareXblackboltWhere stories live. Discover now