25: Prove Who's Stronger: Cheren/Gray

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I started my long walk to the desert. At least Bianca's right about it being hot. The sand hit my face occasionally and blocked my eyesight. Great. I tried to follow the cemented road when I met Cheren.

Oh no. Another trainer battle?!

"Oh Gray! I was looking for you!" Cheren greeted. "I wanted to battle you to see how we improved!"

"Okay.. I just battled Bianca..." I muttered.

These people really love battling. No wonder the three of them are best of friends. 

"Okay, let's make it a two vs. two battle! Just choose two of your best Pokémon!"

Well, I only have two with me so that's no argument. Wait. We are going to battle right here in a DESERT, which I may say.... is FULL OF SAND and its already bugging me!


"Yeah! It's a good training for our Pokémon!" Cheren said. "With this weather, our Pokémon will get more stronger and tougher!"

"Fine," as much as I hate this kind of weather and location, I am not going to reject a battle!

"Then I choose Servine," he took out the grass Pokémon.

"Shiny, go finish it!"

Once the two Pokémon realized what kind of environment they were in, they panicked. Shiny squeaked in alarm as Servine occasionally wiped its face from sand.

"It's okay, buddy! It's just a sandstorm! You're a lot stronger than a sandstorm aren't ya?" I cheered my Shiny. Shiny squeaked in determination.

"That's the spirit! Shiny, Double Slap!"

"We're not going to lose, Servine use Leech Seed!" he countered.

Shiny hit Servine critically, but seeds got stuck on her body. Both Pokémon we're buffeted by the storm, but Shiny's health is sapped as well.

I've gotta position Shiny in a safe place!

"Shiny roll on the ground and use Swift!" Shiny followed, making some of the seeds to be dislodged.

"Leaf Tornado!"

Shiny is in a bad side here. I should use the ultimate weapon of evilness.........


"What?!" Cheren said in disbelief.

Ha. You are not going to escape that. The wind, which was blowing in our favor made the sleepy music reach Servine in a faster rate. Servine fell asleep and lay on the sandy ground. The storm additionally made damage.

But it is not the end yet! I have to make sure this battle is my victory!

"Shiny, use your strongest Swift!"

"Where IS IT?!" Cheren mumbled as he searched his bag for an Awakening.

"Too late! Shiny, Swift again!" Shiny released all the stars that she could muster.

"No!" Cheren exclaimed in protest.

It was too late, his Servine fainted after all those attacks and the sandstorm damage.

Unfortunately, my Mincinno, who's health base stat is lower, fainted too. I'm so stupid! Why didn't I remember that Shiny is also affected by the storm?!

"I'm not going to lose this battle! Pidove go!"

I wonder if Cheren's crazy, because that won't help him winning this battle. The sandstorm is totally raging, and even a strong bird type can't fly well in this weather.

"Tsk! Pidove hang on!" Cheren said. At least he noticed it...

"Umbra, beat em up!" the over-confident Zorua smirked at Pidove.

"Pidove, Gust!"

"Umbra find a rock to hide on while dodging the attack!"

Umbra didn't even have to dodge, the sandstorm, which is blowing harshly, affected Pidove's Gust, making it weaker.

Umbra did manage to find a rather big rock, which protected him front the blowing sand.

"Umbra use-" I started to say... I know that Umbra must not part with the rock, because he would be buffeted... I have to lure the enemy here I guess.

"Taunt!" I wish this would work. I never use attacks that doesn't hit the enemy physically. I always wanted to beat the pulp out of them by attacking.

The Pidove soon became infuriated and charged to Umbra.

Then, Umbra started glowing white!


"Your Zorua, I think it's evolving into a Zoroark," Cheren muttered as he took out his Pokédex.

Then the charging Pidove began to glow white too!

"Another evolution?!"

Zorua turned into a big, black sly fox with long red fur tied from his head. The Pidove evolved into a big and fast-looking bird.

"Tranquill!!" Cheren exclaimed as he looked up from the Dex. "Show him what you can do!"

"Foul Play, Umbra!"

The two newly evolved Pokémon clashed, each of them attacking with speed. Both had a look of determination. Is this what the voices N was saying??


"Foul Play again!"

Finally after a large scratch from Zoroark, the Tranquill fainted.

"I lost again! Return Tranquill!" Cheren said.

"You should be proud that your Pokemon evolved!" I mutter. "Return Umbra!"

"Proud?! They lost. WE lost. I have to get stronger or I'll end up as a weakling who couldn't protect his Pokémon!" he said, running to the raging sandstorm.

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