50: The Cafe, The Song, The Pokemon, And White

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I went to the library to look for more information about the rest of the legedaries. I picked Meloetta first. I learned that she loved music and people from the ancient times considered Meloetta as a goddess of music.

I also read that Meloetta knew a song called Relic Song. The Relic Song was said to be the most beautiful song of all, it also said that it touches the hearts of the hardest hearts.

There is only one place in Unova that plays this kind of song: Cafe Sonata. When I passed that shop before, I heard beautiful music from it and I wanted to stay and hear more. But as I remembered, I got lost in Castelia.

I flew back to Castelia, which brings back memories.

"Oh! Hello Gray! Long time no see!" I saw White coming out from the Pokémon Center. "I took a day off from the Battle Subway!" she looked at my Pokémon. "Oh! Your Pokémon look so stronger now! You know, I battled Cheren and Bianca the other day and I almost lost! I couldn't beat Black though! That cousin of mine is unstoppable!" 

"He's going to be a Hero of Truth now," I said, glad to have company. 

"A hero?!!!" White gasped. "I can't believe I am so slow on news! What's happening?!!!"

"Well, N who was the King of Team Plasma awakened the legendary pokemon Zekrom and is the Hero of Ideals. Black got the Light Stone who's supposed to be Reshiram," I said.

"Oh my Arceus!" White gasped.

"I know right!" I said.

"Well, how about you? What are YOU doing???!!!" White said.

"I'm hunting Team Plasma," I said. "And sort of saving legendaries..."

"OMA! Did you caught one??!!" White squealed.

"Uh....... two of them actually......." I whispered.

White looked really shocked. "That is so cool! I can't believe the legends are true!" 

"Well, I'm currently going to save another one... You want to come??" I said.

"Really??? Can I catch one?!!" White said.

"Well, if they want YOU to," I said, as I started to walk to the alley where Cafe Sonata is.

"Oooohh, are we going to that cafe?!" White squealed. "That place is my favorite! I always go there when I was a kid, I use to sing all the time there."

I guess White can help me out this time. "Are you a good singer?" I said.

"Well, sort of," she said.

We finally arrived at Cafe Sonata, which is a dim place full of beautiful music.

"He's my favorite guitarist!" White pointed to a guitarist sitting at the corner of the cafe. "He plays this beautiful song that fills my heart," she said dramatically.

Is it the Relic Song??? Maybe he does know the Relic Song!

"Oh! Miss White!" the guitarist greeted White. "I see you brought a friend!" 

"Yes. She wanted to hear some sort of song! You can show the song right??" White said.

"Well, yes! My pleasure!" he adjusted his guitar. "Please hum along with the music."

"Of course!" White said.

They began to sing and play. The song was so beautiful...... Suddenly, the other players began playing the song too. Even the drummer came up with a beat just for the song! It was so beautiful... I hope Meloetta is hearing this song.

When the song ended, everyone applauded. The audience and the musicians enjoyed the performance.

"Now, it's beautiful isn't it? It's called the Relic Song" White said. "Now where are we heading???" 

"Well, I guess we wait," I said. I really hope Meloetta heard the Relic Song.

Morning came (we went there in night), and the guitarist and the other players started to go home.

"Is Meloetta here yet???" White yawned.

"Oh no! They're piling up!" I groaned. What if Meloetta went here and got disappointed because there was no music. When almost everyone was out, I saw a figure hiding behind the chandelier.

"Meloetta, is that you??" I said.

The Pokémon peeked out, revealing her long musical hair. It is Meloetta! 

"White, sing!" I said to White. White got up, and began to hum the Relic Song. Meloetta came closer to admires her singing.

I heard noises outside, suddenly, the door burst open and came in the Plasma Grunts. 

"Meloetta!" the grunt laughed. "I know that you'll somehow lure her in, girl!"

The grunt took out his Pokémon. "Come on! Let's capture Meloetta!" the other grunts took out their Pokémon.

"Team!" I took out all my Pokémon, including Victini and Keldeo. "Defend Meloetta and White!"

My Pokémon, who were pretty strong from all that training and defeating Team Plasma easily gained the upper hand.

"So you caught Victini and Keldeo!" a grunt said. "You never fail to surprise us!"

"White continue singing!" I said as I ran to get a microphone and turn on the volume. I gave the microphone to White, who began singing again. Meloetta looks mesmerized with White's singing.
Team Plasma started throwing Poké Balls.

White, who was still singing, released her Pokémon and helped my team to defend and block all Poké Balls coming to Meloetta.

Then I got an idea. "White, capture Meloetta!"

White looked flustered while she's singing.

"You want to catch a legendary don't you?!" I threw some Potions for my Pokémon and White's. "Meloetta loves you! She likes your singing! Now protect Meloetta by capturing her!" I said as I blocked more Poké Balls. I gave her an empty one. "Go!"

White, still singing, threw a Poké Ball at the now dancing Meloetta. For a split second, Meloetta changed form. She became orange and her hair rose up from her head. The Poké Ball sucked her up, trembling twice, then clicked.

"I-I-I captured Meloetta!" White gasped.

"Shiny, SING!" Shiny began singing, and the grunts all fell asleep with their Pokémon.

"What are we going to do now?" White asked.

"I'm going to call Looker to arrest Team Plasma," I said as I called him from the XTransceiver. "Congratulations by the way."

"Oh my Arceus! I captured a legendary!" White shrieked.

"Calm down! And protect Meloetta from Team Plasma!" I said. "She is your responsibility now! I expect you to protect her and not use Meloetta for selfish means."

"You can count on me in that!" White winked. "By the way, how are you and Black?"

I almost gagged. "We're okay."

"Are you sure??? Because Black called me that you friend-zoned him."

"What?!" I groaned. "Look, I'm not ready for this okay?! I've got more problems to think of!"

"Really? I think you like Black too!" White huffed. "Why don't you give Black a chance?"

"Fine," I sighed. "But not now! I have a region to protect!"

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