46: BlackBolt

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We went inside the tower, which in some sort of way, beautiful, in a ruin and broken kind of way. It was decorated with beautiful stones, with Lapiz Lazuli floors. There was a pool inside, sparkling and clean. There were plenty of dragons inside, but somehow, Team Plasma made them fall asleep.

"Have you ever heard of the Tale of The Twin Heroes and Two Dragons?" N looked at me.

I glared at him, since I can't move.

"Not yet? I shall tell it to you, then. There was once great twins, who ruled ancient Unova. The twins owned a great dragon," we started to go up.

"But then, the twins had a quarrel. The older brother sought the truth and the younger brother wanted to change the world with his ideals. Their dragon split into two: the white dragon Reshiram and the black dragon Zekrom," we were going higher and higher....

"Reshiram sided with the older twin and Zekrom sided with the younger twin. There came a great war with the princes and dragons. It lasted in an eternity, with no side winning. Eventually the two brothers realized that they should make peace, for they were causing pain and suffering," the air was getting thinner and we were almost at the top.

"But then, the sons of the brothers started quarreling. To stop the quarrel and war, Reshiram and Zekrom decided to turn into stones, so that their power would not be used for selfish acts again. Reshiram turned into the light stone and Zekrom the dark stone. They are waiting for a hero to serve." N concluded as we entered a wide room.

In the middle of the room was a stone. The stone was the blackest of the blackest. Somehow, it looked familiar...

"I shall call upon Zekrom, and I shall change the world with the Dragon of Ideals," he held the dark stone. "I shall free all Pokémon! Never shall again do Pokémon get captured!"

The dark stone started trembling and floated.

"I shall be the Hero of Ideals!" N shouted.

The Dark Stone started to spin, faster and faster. It was getting bigger and bigger until it was as big as a pillar. The Dark Stone was no longer a stone. It was a curled up black dragon. Zekrom opened its eyes, which were red, and it roared: a powerful roar that shattered my ear drums. Zekrom had a masculine body with a turbine as its tail, which started glowing blue, with the lightning shaped part of its head. The air was filled with blue electricity.

There was a sudden commotion, and Black came out.

"What the-?" Black cussed.

"Black! Zekrom recognizes me as the Hero of Ideals!" N spread his hands. "If you want to stop me, then awaken Reshiram and be the Hero of Truth!" Zekrom roared again, and N climbed on his back, returned Galvantula, and flew away through the large hole Zekrom had destroyed with his lightning.

"I-I," I managed to move at last. "Go and find Reshiram!" Black needs to stop N. FAST.

"Wha?! Why are you here?!" Black helped me to get up.

"N showed me how he revived Zekrom," I said. My legs are still hurting.

"Come on! Let's get out of here! This tower is...." a huge stone fell. Black carried me on his back.

"Are you listening?! You need to stop N!" I said, as Black ran downstairs.

"Are you crazy?! You need that leg to be patched up! You've dealt with too much electricity!" Black said.

I saw Cheren and Bianca and some old man who looked like Professor Juniper in some way, and a man with long red hair.

"Hurry up!" Cheren said as they ran away from the Dragonspiral Tower.

"What happened?" the old guy who looked like the Professor said.

"That's Professor Cedric Juniper and that's Champion Alder," Bianca whispered in my ear.

Black's fist tightened, but he kind of forgot that he's carrying me.

"Ow!" I shrieked.

"Sorry!" Black laid me down on the grass and he sat down next to me. "N awakened Zekrom and he wanted to use Zekrom to free all Pokémon!"

"Oh no..." Bianca said.

"He told Black that he needs to awaken Reshiram!" I said, massaging my leg.

"We need to go to the Relic Castle then!" Alder said. "We have no time to waste!"

"Black, go to the Relic Castle right now and awaken the Light Stone!" Professor Cedric said.

Pokémon BW: whiteflareXblackboltWhere stories live. Discover now