52: Caught

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I arrived at Opelucid City first, Aero had been pretty tired after all that flying and battling so we had to stop.

"Hello Gray," a voice said.

I turned around and saw one of my worst enemies: Ghetsis. My hand immediately went to my Poké Balls.

"No need to battle," Ghetsis smirked. "I just wanted to thank you."

"Thank me for what?" I said through gritted teeth. Have I done something wrong?? Have I done something to help Team Plasma?

"Why! For everything of course!" he laughed. "Without you leaving, your Aunt wouldn't even have met us!"

"W-w-what do y-y-you mean?"

"Why! You're Aunt is a great scientist and a smart person! It was her idea to search for Zekrom in the Dragonspiral Tower and to search for legendaries and help in the Genesect project! Without you Gray, she would have not left her job at Castelia!" Ghetsis laughed.


"We did not kidnap your aunt. She CHOSE to come with us!" Ghetsis laughed. "Brainwashed by my son of mine! King N of Team Plasma! Why that's not the only thing I had to thank you."

"You also made Cobalion and Virizion trust people! Without you Gray, we wouldn't have captured them!" he showed me two Poké Balls, with Cobalion and Virizion inside.

"NO!" I dived for them, but Ghetsis merely side stepped. What have I done?

"Not only that!" Ghetsis laughed louder. "We managed to control Genesect! You thought we'd never find Genesect? We placed a tracker on the Poké Ball! With you weakening it, we completely mastered to control it! Speaking of controlling, we managed to capture Tornadus, Thunderus and Landorus as well."

"No..." I put my hands over my ears. "That's all lies."

Ghetsis laughed harder. "Thank you Gray. Regretting now, eh? You should had never volunteered to become a Dex holder," he looked at me disgustedly, but with pleasure in his eyes. I glared at him. "You were NEVER A HERO! YOU ARE JUST A NOBODY! A WEAKLING TRYING TO BE STRONG! A failure! NOW, you can watch the world under Team Plasma's control. It's all because of you Gray. All because of you."

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