58: Almost Victory

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Black's Emboar clashed against Platina's Empoleon. They were both down to one Pokémon. Black's Carracosta and Musharna and Platina's Rapidash and Lopunny, Pokémon which I had never seen before, have already fainted.

Black has a major disadvantage, since Emboar is a fire type and Empoleon is a water type. But somehow, Black was holding on, and they're almost at the same level. Its pretty cool to see two Dex holders fight at the same time, because clearly, they were both strong.

Empoleon released a strong amount of Hydro Cannon, which Emboar dodged. If Emboar didn't dodge it, he would have fainted by now. Emboar released strong flames, a Flamethrower, which didn't affect Empoleon much, but sure did damage.

The two Pokémon were already at their limits, both never giving up. Black and Platina were panting from all those attacks, too. The crowds were going ABOVE WILD. Some of the Gym Leaders and Shauntal and Caitlin decided to look over the battle too.

Then, Emboar delivered his strongest Flamethrower, it was so hot the flames were BLUE. Empoleon released a huge torrent of Hydro Pump. The two attacks were headed for each other.

Will Empoleon's Hydro Pump douse the flames? Or Emboar's Flamethrower evaporate the torrent?

I spoke too soon.

The two attacks collided with each other, causing a HUGE EXPLOSION. (There is a Light Screen protecting the crowd and trainers to avoid accidents).

There was smoke covering the two Pokémon which was slowly unveiling the result.....
























Empoleon and Emboar were still standing, both showing signs of extreme fatigue...

Both trainers know that their Pokémon is in their limits, so they made no move to attack, considering their Pokémon's health as well.

I then realized how different Dex holders are from ordinary trainers. Dex Holders are incredibly strong, strong in the fact that only Dex holders can defeat Dex holders. But strength is not their only difference from other trainers. Their bond with their Pokémon is STRONGER than their physical strength. Their relationship with their Pokémon is beyond friends.

Emboar and Empoleon staggered, like they were dizzy, then.....

Yep. You guessed that right. Both of them fainted.

For the first time in forever, the crowd went silent.

Black and Platina went silent too, as they returned both of their Pokémon to their Poké Balls. Even the announcer went silent.

Three awkward seconds passed when the announcer finally realized what happened.

"We have a tie folks!!!!!!" The announcer who I finally realized is Mr. Clyde, shouted as the crowd went cheering.

"A tie???" Alder realized.

To everyone's surprise, Platina went up toward the announcer, said something to him, then took the mike.

"I, Platina Berlitz, Sinnoh Dex Holder, will forfeit and give the approval for Black to be the winner for this match," she said.

The crowd started muttering.

"Since Miss Platina forfeits the match, we will no longer have a tiebreaker! Congratulations Mister Black for winning the League Tournament! He will face the Elite Four!" the announcer said.

Everybody cheered (even the ones inside the Hall of Fame). Whew. That was a close one, I admit Platina is STRONG.

The Elite Four stood up.

"Our battle is next, please excuse us," Caitlin bowed and went outside with the the Elite Four.

I noticed that the representatives of the UDF and IP were already there, discussing about Team Plasma and possible hideouts.

"What are we going to do?" Iris asked.

"We wait."

Pokémon BW: whiteflareXblackboltWhere stories live. Discover now