48: Light Stone

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"Are you sure?!" Lenora showed me the stone. "This is the legendary Reshiram?!"

"Yes. It looked exactly like the Dark Stone, only white," I pointed out. "Besides, this stone is found on the Desert Route isn't it?"

"Well, yes," Lenora said. "It did dated from hundreds of years past."

"Wow. And Gray figured it out by herself," Cheren looked impressed.

"We have to call Black and Alder this instant!" Professor Cedric said.

"Oh dear. I never knew Black could turn out to be the Hero of Truth," Professor Juniper said.

"Don't tell Black I figured it out," I said.

"Why? Did you fight down there?" Bianca said.

"Well, sort of," I said. "I have to go now," I said.

"Are you sure?" Lenora said. "You can have a rest here from all those Plasma news."

"No thanks," I ran off, but I actually made a turn and hid behind the Pokémon Center while I look at Lenora and the professors discuss about the Light Stone. I want to see Black awaken Reshiram. I want to see the Hero who will stop N's evil plans.

Finally, after a few minutes, I saw Black and Alder. Black looked terribly depressed (maybe because he didn't find the stone and I just friend-zoned him). Lenora gave Black the Light Stone. I sort of expected that it would immediately turn to Reshiram, but it didn't. It didn't even move! It just sat there like a... stone. Perhaps I'm wrong? Perhaps that is not the Light Stone? Perhaps I'm wrong in saying I don't like Black???


I looked at the Light Stone, the only hope of Unova. I looked at Black. The only bringer of hope.

"Stop it," I said to myself. Its not my problem anymore. I'll leave this to Black. I have other things to do. I need to save the other legendaries from Team Plasma. I am the other Hero. The Hero who stopped Team Plasma in wrecking more havoc than what they already done. I am the Hero who needed to slow Team Plasma down. Black is the Hero who would stop them completely. We would work as a team. But unlike Black, I shall work in secret.

I took out Aero, and we rode to Icirrus.

I need to warn Keldeo.

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