15: Separate Ways

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We were walking in Route 3 together. Black, Bianca, and Cheren were talking about Bianca's 7th birthday. Earlier that day, I asked Professor Juniper about having a journey with no companions. It's not like I hate these guys, but I kept thinking that if we traveled together, there would be less Pokémon and data we could collect. It would be faster if we separated and no one would be delayed. Professor Juniper agreed, but I promised her I would call her every now and then and I'll keep updating her news.

I'm a bit scared to tell them my decision... maybe I would hurt their feelings.

"Oh Shiny, what would I do??" I asked my Mincinno. She just squeaked and kept running around.

Oh well. I have to tell them sooner or later anyway.

"Guys?" I started.

"Hmm??" the the three of them looked at me.

"I kept thinking...." Arceus. How would I start this? I just met them and they have been nice to me, despite the spying. "I think I should part ways," I gulped.

"What?" Black looked hurt. "What do you mean? You don't want to travel with m- us anymore?"

"Do I annoy you?" Bianca looked like she might cry.

"No no no. It's just.. I think that we can gather more Pokémon research data if we separate. You get it?"

"United we stand, divided we fall," Cheren countered.

"I'm sorry. You all have been nice to me.. but..." I sighed. This is harder than my first encounter. "But this time, it's sort of like divided we stand, united we fall."

"You mean we'll never see you anymore?" Black looked troubled. Is it such a big deal to him if I leave?

"Well, we'll still see each other," I said.

"Actually, she does have a point. We can catch more Pokémon and become individually stronger if we don't have to depend to each other," Cheren added.

Thanks, Cheren.

"I'll miss you!" Bianca hugged me.

"I'll miss you too. Promise me you'll get stronger?"

Bianca nodded. "I'll miss you guys!" she squeaked.

"Thanks for everything," I said.

"Let's just meet at the gym or the gates!" Black tried to look optimistic.

"Then we'll see who's stronger and battle!" Cheren nodded.

And that's when we separate ways.

Black went to battle more trainers, Cheren went to battle wild Pokémon, Bianca went to tall grass to capture Pokémon and I went ahead to face Nacrene City.

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