3: A Chance to Go

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"Wait. I think you still have a chance."

"Really?!" I said. 

I could feel my dead hope rekindle itself. Oh my Arceus! This is the best day of my life! Am I dreaming? I should slap myself awake!

"Yes. I usually keep this Pokémon for research purposes but I never did sent her out. She really needs training because she had never battled before," the professor said.

"You mean she is not a wild Pokémon?" I asked. A Pokémon that had never battled before? Now THAT is a rare Pokémon! I feel a bit of pity for her. My aunt told me that battling gives out the potential of Pokémon and for someone who has not battled before might be afraid to face the world.

Professor Juniper smiled. "Yes. It seems that you have researched things about Pokémon. That's something a responsible trainer would do. Anyway, this Pokémon hatched from an egg here in this very lab. I'm afraid I limited her activities indoors when she hatched. That's why she never had any experience in the outside environment."

"I see," I had never seen a Pokémon egg before. I wonder what it looks like.

"Professor Oak said I should ask one question to know if a person is a good trainer to entrust him or her with a Pokédex," Professor Juniper said. "I guess I should still ask you."

Question? What question? I hope it's not hard enough like what's the weight of a Golurk or some sort of chemistry question!

"What is a Pokémon for you?"

What is a Pokémon for me?

"Pokémon... They are friends that help change your life for the better. To me, they give hope. A chance to be stronger. A chance to be braver," I said, saying what was really inside my heart. "They save lives, too."

"That's a wonderful answer," Professor Juniper smiled at me. "And here's my answer!" she got a Poké Ball from her pocket then threw it in the air.

"Your new friend, Minccino!"

A furry silver and gray-colored Pokémon came out. It had very large ears and thick tuft of fur on its head and neck. An equally furry tail swished back and forth excitedly. Its small, adorable brown eyes looked straight at me.

"Minccino, greet your new trainer, Gray!" Mincinno immediately ran to me and licked my face as she jumped and stood at my shoulder.

"Hey Minccino, I'm Gray! Very nice to meet you," I pat its head gently.

Minccino smiled, gave me a squeak of joy and licked my face again.

Oh my Arceus! It's so cute! I never actually had a close relationship with any Pokémon except Zorua. Zorua wasn't exactly... cuddly. He was more of a snob and an arrogant Pokémon who always eat the meat off my plate when I'm not looking. Not to mention he doesn't like anyone petting him.

"Thank you so much, Professor Juniper!" I gushed. "I don't know how I can ever express my thanks! But how can I help you with your research?"

"That won't be a problem! There are already four Dex holders on their way," she said. "I'm pretty sure they would be able to gather enough data that I need."

Four? I wonder who's the other one? There are no other kid close to our age in Nuvema so he/she may have to be from another part of Unova.

"Hmm.. maybe you can keep watch and tell me what's going on with their adventures. Those kids are more unpredictable than the sea! Otherwise, enjoy yours and strive for the best!"

"Thanks professor! I won't forget to do that!"

She gave me her XTransceiver number. "I'm happy that your aunt and grandma allowed you to go to an adventure. You are responsible, Gray and I can't choose anyone better than you to entrust Minccino with. I'm sure your family is proud!"


"Actually... I did not tell them yet..." I laughed nervously as Professor Juniper shook her head.


"BUT I'm going to tell them. I'm pretty sure they'll agree. Aunt Clare always had the knack for adventure so I think she'll understand," I reasoned out. Hopefully, I'm right.

"I trust you, Gray. So please don't run off without asking permission to your grandmother or aunt," Professor Juniper replied.

"You can count on me," I forced a grin as I walk out of the laboratory towards our house.

Oh Arceus, what am I gonna do??!!

(Edited: 4/2/16)

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