55: Badge Gate

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I went back to Cheren, Bianca, and White and apologized because I shouted at them. Fortunately, they accepted my apology.

"That's what friends are for right?" they had said. I realized how lucky I am for having friends like them. Unfortunately, I didn't see Black with them.

"Where is Black?" I asked.

"Maybe he's in the Badge Gate by now," Bianca had said.

I immediately rode on Aero's back, towards the Badge Gate. I know that if Black already passed the gates, I can't talk to him anymore because I don't have all the badges.

"Black!!!" I shouted, still on Aero's back.

Black was about to step on the Badge Gates....

"Wait up!" I said as I hopped from Aero who is still four feet from the ground.

"Oh, Gray," Black smiled. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," I said. "I just wanted to say sorry for shouting at you guys earlier. I was just... confused. Look Ghetsis-"

"I know," Black said. "He warned me about N. That guy is dangerous!"

I laughed. "Kick N's butt for me, okay?"

"Deal," Black laughed too. "Now, what are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to correct my mistakes and help stop Team Plasma in anyway I can. I know N's waiting for you at the league. I think Ghetsis has a different objective than N," I said. "That's all I know, oh! They had captured Cobalion and Virizion, and I have a feeling they had captured Terrakion, too."

"So we've got to defeat legendaries?" Black said. "That would be cool!"


"Yeah, cool! Well, not that cool actually," I hope Cobalion and Virizion are okay. "Just go pass the Badge Gates already and we'll meet at the League," Competitors have to pass through Victory Road but the audience can pass through a different road: an easy and simple one.

Black laughed. "Okay, okay!" he started to walk towards the first gate. "Take care!" he showed his badge to a worker and the gate started to close..

"Bye, Black!" I waved.


The gate is almost closed.

"I like you, too!"

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