42: Celestial Tower

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"Um, have you seen a boy with brown hair wearing a blue jacket and talks loudly?" I asked a lass.

"Why? Is he your boyfriend?" the lass said.

"WHAT?! NO!!!" What the heck?

"Hihihihi, yes, he's heading to Celestial Tower. And he's kind of cute isn't he?" she giggled.

"Uhhhhh......" I searched for my brain for an answer. "Sort of?"

"I knew it!" she giggled like a maniac again.

I have to get out of here! "Um, bye and thanks!"

I ran off to the Celestial Tower. Which is kind of creepy because its full of graves...

"Um, have you seen a boy with brown hair and blue jacket and talks loudly?" I asked a maid.

"Oh! You mean the boy over there?" she pointed to Black who's talking to Professor Juniper.

Wow. And I did bother to find him for Professor Juniper.

"Um, hello Professor! I see you found Black already," I said.

"Oh yes. I got a bit shy asking you to find Black," she said.

"Well here's my Liberty notes," I gave her the research paper.

"Liberty Notes??!!!" Black said.

"Oh, I can't contact you and the other Dex holders were busy, so I called Gray instead," Professor Juniper said. "Thank you, Gray."

"Hey Gray, want to go ring the bell with me?" Black said.

I wanted to say no, since I've got a lot of things to do but I don't want to disappoint Black for the millionth time. Besides I want to get myself some day off...

"Okay," we walked upstairs.

"Look, I'm going to train here, so you can either watch or train with me," Black said, taking out Pignite.

"I choose training," I muttered as I took all of my Pokémon except Victini, who'll attract too much attention.

"Eh! Why didn't you release that little guy???" Black pointed to Victini's Poké Ball.

"Huh?!!" I covered Victini's pokeball with my hands.

Black's eyes narrowed. "Are you hiding something?"

"What?! No!" I raised my eyebrow. "Stop joking!"

Then he grabbed Victini's Poké Ball.


"Give it back!!" I tried to grab the Poké Ball back, but he simply dodged.

"Woah!! I'd never seen this Pokémon before!" he took out Victini.

"Black! Don't take it out!" I said, glancing at the people around us, who are looking at Victini.

Black took out his Pokédex. "So this is the guy who you found on Liberty!"


"Why? Do you know that Victini's tired of not seeing the outside world?" Black said.

I looked at the wandering Victini, who's flying around all this time, admiring his environment (even though its just a graveyard). He looks like he's having fun.

"Okay. So maybe I'll keep him out of his Poké Ball for a few minutes..." I said. "Victini, please stay close to me."

The Victini smiled in delight and flew around the graves and my head.

"See? Victini's happier that way," Black said as he continued to beat up some wild Pokémon.

"Hey! What kind of Pokémon is that?"

"Is it a legendary?!!! Maybe its rare..."

"Wow, never seen a Pokémon like this before! I must get closer!"

"Victini?! Is it powerful?"

The other people started to crowd around me and Victini. This is dangerous because Victini can be snatched... I returned Victini and my other Pokémon served as a shield.


"But is being hidden worth Victini's freedom?" Black muttered.

Hm, is it?

"Just shut up and let's get out of here!" I ran upstairs.

Pokémon BW: whiteflareXblackboltWhere stories live. Discover now