21: Castelia Cone

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I wandered around buildings and busy people. All buildings were full of crowds except that empty one near the gym. I tried asking them where the docks were but they keep ignoring me or pointing on different directions. After a couple failed attempts, I entered a decent-looking building and found out the clerks there wanted to battle. It was a better way than doing nothing so I defeated them along with the janitor boss.

"Um, excuse me, uh do you happen to have a map of Castelia? A decent one?" I asked the Janitor.

"Oh! Sure kiddo! New here huh?" he handed me a wear-down map but recognizable and better than the one in the Pokémon Center.

"Thanks and yeah, I'm new," I smiled.

I looked at the map. I recognized the Pokémon center, the dark alley, that quiet park and the docks. Only, its not singular. It's plural. There are 5 docks all in all. That explains why those people pointed in different directions!

"Great Gurdurr!" I muttered.

I kept thinking:

1. Which dock did Black went?

2.Is Black still there?

3.Where am I staying for the night?

4.Would I find Black first or challenge the gym first?

I am so frustrated right now. I decided to visit the docks one by one. The only things I found there are: big golden boat, black boat, blue boat, different boats, a person screaming at the sea and a couple more people. No sign of Black. Then I went to the Pokémon Center.

"Gray! Where have you been?! I've been worried sick!!!" Black greeted me.

"You sound like a mother," I muttered.

"Come on! Our tour of Castelia City is not over yet!" he said.

"Don't count me on that one," I replied lamely.

"Ow. Come on! This is the last place we're going!" he ran off the exit.

"Wait! Just slow down okay?! I don't want to get lost again!!"

Black did slow down but he started talking about the buildings and how Castelia changed and other stupid things I was not interested in. We went to a street and then I noticed a long (LONG) line of people.

"What's that?" I pointed.

"That's what I'm talking about!" he grinned. "Castelia Ice Cream Cones!!!!"

Then he went to the FRONT of the line. Black can get ultimately annoying sometimes.

"Hey! Aren't you going to follow the line?!" I whispered.

"Are you crazy?! That line is so long!" he said.

"People are going to get angry!!!" I muttered.

"But we're going to take forever there!" he muttered.

"But STILL!" I said. "Go AT THE END OF THE LINE!!"

"Fine!" Black pouted.

Oh Black did went to the back of the line. Then we waited for about 30 minutes until it's our turn. And the line is not even finished yet!

"2 Castelia Cones please."

"Aww, sorry. We only have one!" The lady told us.

"Fine, I'll take it," Black said. The line of people dispersed.

"Here you go," Black handed me the Castelia Cone.

"Why don't you want one? You take it," I said.

"No. You take it!" Black said. "I already had eaten that before!"

"Aww. Having a love quarrel, aren't you?" a nearby janitor said.

I'm gonna kill that guy! I glared at him like I'm really gonna kill him and he immediately went back to his business.

I notice that Black had turned red again. "Go on take it."

"Fine," I grabbed the cone and took a lick.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!!!!!!!!!!! It tastes like HEAVEN. It was WORTH THE WAIT.

Black looked at the cone hungrily.

"Here, have some!" I handed him the cone.

"B-but you already licked it!" Black said.

"So what?!" I growled.

"Isn't that an I-I-indirect k-k-kiss?" Black turned red for the millionth time.

"You believe in that?! Well I don't and if you want to STARVE because of a STUPID INDIRECT KISS, then suit yourself," I took another lick.

Black must have been hungry with all that talking and walking. "Fine! I'll take some!"

I gave him the cone and he took a lick.

"See? Nothing bad happened!" I said as I grabbed it back and took another lick.


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