65: The End

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A lot of things happened after that. Black was hailed as the Champion of the Unova League. Team Plasma has disbanded, but half of them went missing, including Ghetsis, the Shadow Triad, five of the Sages and the other Plasma grunts. The other grunts surrendered and decided to make a new beginning, including one of the Seven Sages. Anthea and Concordia supported this idea, and they decided to build a special base where they heal and help injured Pokémon and teach them to trust humans again. 

The caught Team Plasma who didn't surrender got their Trainer Cards confiscated, along with their stolen Pokémon. They, in turn, were given back to their owners while the unclaimed Pokémon were taken up by the Rangers. The Legendary Pokemon Cobalion and Virizion decided to roam free again, to find Terrakion and seek for their own trainers. Landorus, Thunderus and Tornadus were freed, and were never seen again. My Aunt Clare was confined to a good hospital, still unconscious. The doctor informed us that she would be alright. I hope so.

"I decided to travel around the Unova region again," Alder said. "I'll leave the Pokemon League in your hands, Black."

"Awwwww I wanted to travel across the WHOLE Unova region," Black pouted like a kid. Some things don't really change.

"Don't worry," Marshall said. "The Pokemon League is in ruins, we have to clean it up and renovate it. That means a couple of weeks. Or months." he ruffled Black's messy brown hair.

"And not only that! I don't like this ugly ruined building beside the League and overlooking my window!" Grimsley growled. "I am so going to tear that down!"

So THIS is the Elite Four behind the cameras.

"Gray, may I talk to you for a minute?" Alder asked me.

I'm not used in this kind of situation. Normally, I just get ignored at conversations with Black getting all the attention. I just watch and listen at the sides.

"Okay," I looked over to Black with a worried face.

"I just wanted to say thank you," Alder said.

"What? I didn't defeat N. Black did. Thank Black, not me," I said. I'm not sure how to respond.

"But you contributed a huge part in this adventure," Alder laughed. "Without you, the legendaries would all be captured. Without you, we wouldn't have figured out the Light Stone. Without you, Ghetsis could have made situations worse," Alder smiled.

"But those are small things," I said. I don't deserve all these praises actually.

"Small things change big things. All choices count, no matter how small they are," Alder said.

"Well, now she can do bigger things," Looker appeared next to us. "Ta da!" he showed me an ID and a badge.

"Oh my Arceus, Is this......." wow wow wow wow wow wow wow. Wowzers.

"Yes! You are now an official member of the International Police!" he handed me the things.

"Congratulations, Gray!" Alder said.

"Thanks! This is so cool!!!!!!" I can't wait to start my new adventure as a member of IP!

"You have an assignment actually," Looker said thoughtfully. "But you can start anytime you want. Some IPs are starting already."

"What is it?" I think its super major because several International Police members are doing it.

"Your assignment is to find the rest of Team Plasma."

I sat on the bench in Nuvema Town, where all of these began. My team was out, Umbra sleeping below a tree, Draco, Aero and Victini playing tag in the air, Keldeo eating some berries, and Shiny sitting next to me as we watch the sun go down.

I thought about what happened in my journey. What if I didn't ask Professor Juniper to give me a Pokémon. What would happen then?

It's funny how small choices affect your whole life and even everyone's lives!

I wondered then what would happen next.

White? She called me on the XTransceiver to say she would be traveling across the Sinnoh region to become stronger.

Cheren? Lenora asked him to study more about gym leadership. She wanted to retire to focus more on her research and she chose Cheren to be the next holder of the Basic Badge.

Bianca? She already decided to help Professor Juniper with her Pokémon research as an assistant.

Black? He would probably do Champion duties and become more stronger with intense training, defeating more and more challengers. Besides, like any other Pokédex holder, he would continue filling it up with more information.

My grandmother? She decided to help Anthea and Concordia in establishing their Pokemon Rescue Center. Grandma was a breeder after all.


I have two paths to choose.

To find the rest of Team Plasma and arrest them once and for all?

To search from my long-lost brother across the Unova region?

I thought more and more. What would I choose?

Then, in a sudden, I knew.

Why not both?

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