16: City of Knowledge

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This is the third day of my journey, and I find Nacrene City very artistic and resourceful. I heard people say that the houses here were old warehouses, but the townspeople made it their homes with the help of Pokémon. I heard that there is a museum here, but I haven't checked it out yet. I also heard that the library here is so vast. The people in Nacrene are very creative themselves and their musical instruments play a harmony in the wind.

Nacrene City is full of knowledge. That's what the encyclopedia said.

And their Gym Leader, too.

I decided to train myself first on a small patch of land near the forest. I sent out Umbra since Shiny is already out.

"Come on guys! Lets have exercise!" I jogged, with the hyper Shiny by my side and Umbra following my lead.

We reached the patch of land which had a couple of trainers around.

We decided to battle all of them, stopping only to heal my Pokémon to the friendly nurse nearby.

The battles only lasted a few minutes, a few of them seconds. I want Shiny to master Double Slap and Swift as Umbra masters Pursuit and Fury Swipes. My battles were full of stars, series of tail hits, claws and tackles. I could tell that my Pokémon were highly advanced in level with these guys' Pokémon.

"Good job, Shiny and Umbra!" I praised as I fed them some berries.

"Those are pretty good Pokémon you've got there!" a fancy looking girl with a pink coat told me. "Are you challenging the gym? I can help you with some battle techniques," she took out a strong-looking Sawk.

Her Sawk looks pretty strong than those Tympoles I battled earlier so I agreed.

"Okay. Umbra, Shiny!" they snapped to attention.

"Sawk use Punch!"

Shiny didn't even have time to react. Sawk's fist hit her face.

"Shiny!" the attack was pretty effective but all those tough training did their work. Shiny still had few health left. "Beat it up with Swift followed by Double Slap!"

Shiny released series of stars as she ran behind it. Sawk couldn't escape the stars and it got hit pretty good. Shiny slapped Sawk two times with her toughened tail.

"Sawk, use Mach Punch!"

"Shiny move out of the way!" my quick Mincinno rolled all the way and the Sawk hit a rock instead.

"Double kick!"

"Shiny, jump on its leg!" Shiny jumped just in time, and hit Sawk with a forceful slap.

The Sawk finally fainted after the last attack.

"Nice, but you still need some training," the fancy girl said. "The Nacrene Leader's Pokémon have really good defense. But you just have to defeat her by fighting type moves."

"Fighting type moves?! But Zorua is a dark type and Mincinno is normal!" I said. "How can I train them fighting types?"

"They don't have to be fighting types, you know! You just teach them moves or make their attacks powerful and aggressive enough," she explained as she tied her blue hair. "Why don't you train with me?" she took a device which looks like a Pokédex, but on a different version.

"Wait. Is that a Pokédex? Are you White?"

"Goodness, no. I'm Platina! And yes, it is a Pokédex," she smiled. "Are you a Dex holder too?"

"Uhh.. no," just how many people will slap my face, saying that they have a Pokédex!!!

"I see. How come you recognize a Pokédex?"

"My friends have one. Professor Juniper gave them," I said.

"I see. My Pokédex cannot identify Unova's Pokémon. Your friends must fill them up, so other Pokédexes can update," she said. "I got mine from Professor Rowan, back in Sinnoh. Now then, shall we train?" she took out a blue furry Pokémon I had never seen in Unova encyclopedias before.

"This Pokémon is called Munchlax and belongs to a friend. This Pokémon likes to eat, which explains its body structure. Now then, Munch, use Rest!" she said.

"Uhh, what am I suppose to do?" she looked like she already knew a lot of things in the world. I feel kind of stupid with a wise girl like her.

She laughed. "Why of course you train your Shiny with Wake-up Slap! It is a fighting move, it should help you win your badge!"

"But, won't Munchlax wake up eventually?" I said.

"Not this Pokémon," she smiled.

"Okay... Shiny, Wake-up Slap!"

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