4: Sort of Saying Goodbye

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"Aunt Clare?" I called my beloved aunt from my XTransceiver.

I'm definitely nervous right now. What if she didn't agree? I'll totally flinch and maybe cry. As far as I know, this is my last chance of having a proper Pokémon trainer adventure.

"Yes dear?" she said. "Is there something wrong?" I could hear papers shuffling in the background and some printer printing documents. She sounds really busy and I appreciate her answering my call.

Aunt Clare is really a sweet, loving person. She took the full blunt of my parent's death and the responsibility of raising me. My aunt always supported my every decision so I know she'll agree, but then no one will take care of grandmother if I leave!

"Um... I'm going to take an adventure and travel around the Unova region.. So um..." I tried, not knowing what to say.

"Travel huh? With Pokémon?"

"Yes. Professor Juniper gave me a Pokémon and she likes to have someone help her with her research. I kind of volunteered."

"I see," she said. Arceus, her face is really serious. Then she smiled. "I'd love you to go on an adventure!"

"Is it okay with you? Who will take care of grandma?" I can't believe she's actually with this.

"Dear, you've been cooped up too long in Nuvema. There comes a time when kids like you have to grow up and stand for themselves. Of course I'll support you. Don't worry! Even before this, I'm planning on quitting my job here in Castelia and finding a job near Nuvema, where its quiet. I would be able to take care of your grandma," she said.

"Really?! Thanks, Aunt Clare!" I gave her a big grin. "I promise I'll be responsible and not cause any trouble."

"Of course, Gray! Take care!" she ended the call.

Wow. That was fast. Still, I have to ask grandma. I can't just leave without her knowing. I'm not like that kiddie television show girl with a pet Aipom with boots.

I ran back to grandma, where she's watching television. I glanced at the TV, which shows a weird man with weird black and white robes standing in some kind of pedestal. The news crew seem to be documenting the whole thing. Weird.

"Grandma? I know this is sudden but I'm going on an adventure with my very own Pokémon. I'm uh.. going to help Professor Juniper with her research and I.. uh, Aunt Clare already approved and said that she's staying here in Nuvema with a new job or something like that. And I just wanted to tell you that..."

"You're going to leave for a journey?" my grandma said.

"Well, yeah. If you don't want me to go, then I won't go," I answered.

"Of course I want you to have an amazing journey with your Pokémon!" then she glanced at the TV, where the robed man kept talking about some sort of 'liberation'. Meh. "Can I see your Pokémon?"

I took out Minccino, which I named Shiny. She immediately ran to me, licking my face.

"I see, you have already bonded with your Pokémon," she smiled, then glanced again at the screen. "Be careful out there. There are many... dangers that await. People who say Pokémon are tools. But don't be confused. You already know in your heart what Pokémon really are."

"Yes grandma," I answered. I will never leave my Pokémon behind and I will never treat them as tools. I wonder if she's talking about that man in the television.

"But just to make sure..." she took out a Poké Ball. "Zorua here is pretty strong. With two Pokémon by your side, you'll surely be more protected."

I took Zorua's Poké Ball. Inside, I can see him smirk and roll his mischievous blue eyes.

"Hey Shiny, say hi to Umbra," that would be Zorua's new nickname. Shiny gave out a cheerful squeak. Umbra just smirked again. "Thanks grandma. I'll take care of Umbra, don't worry about us."

"Of course dear. Don't forget to bring your trainer card, money and essentials."

Oh. I admit, I really forgot my things. It would be pretty embarrassing if I had to come back here.

I went to my room, which I always kept clean. I grabbed my only backpack which is thankfully big enough to fit in all my stuff.  I grabbed some money, energy bars, some cans of Pokémon food and three empty Poké Balls I saw in my drawer. My trainer card, which everyone applies for when they reach ten, was in the drawer so I grabbed that as well. I always wear my running shoes so that won't be a problem.

I slung my bag on one shoulder and wave at my grandma who was till watching the television. "Bye grandma!"

"Bye, dear!" she waved back.

Here I go world!

(Edited: 4/3/16)

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