20: Lost in Castelia

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Before entering Castelia City from Pinwheel Forest, one must pass through the longest bridge in Unova: Skyarrow Bridge.  The lower part of the bridge is built for vehicle traffic while we pass on a suspended pedestrian walkway. It was pretty grand and impressive. I only see Skyarrow Bridge on the TV and in books but never up close. 

And currently, Black and I are passing through it now.

"That is so cool!" I said as I look at the bright lights of the Castelia City skyline.

"Y-y-yeah," Black stuttered.

"Why are you stuttering?" I asked. Purrloin got his tongue?

"Oh nothing," he said, covering his face with his hat.

I wonder what Black's problem is. Probably, the poor kid is scared of heights. Or bridges. Anyway, this skyline is so awesome! I regret nothing in taking this adventure.

After some walking, we finally reached Castelia with sore feet. Oh Arceus, was it HUGE. Tall buildings were everywhere and people are bustling about. Cars and trucks honk on every street and the crowd was just plan noisy.

"I had never seen anything this big before," I muttered. Nothing was big in Nuvema. The biggest thing I could stare at in Unova was the sea. That's it. 

"Well I did," Black said rather smugly.

"How come?" I frowned. 

"Well, I use to come here when I was a kid!" Black boasted. "I'll show you!"

Black grabbed my hand and we ran to one of the bustling streets.

"Hey! Slow down!" I said.

"Sorry!" Black grinned. "Too fast for you?"

We finally arrived at a more... quiet place. It's a park, with a fountain at the middle. Icky couples talk in the benches and I swear to Arceus I was going to puke if I watch them. There were kids and Pokémon running around. A guitarist plays nearby and a dance group was practicing a routine. 

"See? Its the most quiet place!" Black said.

"Uh huh," Yes it is quiet but then..... well.. you know.... those couples... uh... people who are... you know doing romantic things.. I am SCARED of anything that involves romance! "Let's get outta here!"

"Why?! You don't like the place?!" Black pouted.

"..." I grabbed Black's hand. "Out of here... must get out...."

I didn't notice that Black is turning a deep shade of red until I looked back.

"Oh sorry. I forgot you already had a crush on someone," I said. "Go on. Spend your time with her. I'll be checking things out in that alley."

Black turned redder.

"Bye! Thanks for showing me that disgu- uh.. quiet place," I started to walk off a dark alley. Now this looks like a QUIET place. And a good place for training!

"Hey kiddo!" a roughneck grabbed my shoulder.

"Heh," I smirked. "Umbra use Fury swipes once!"

My Zorua was about to hit the roughneck and then he stopped.

"What do you want?" I asked the tough guy. He looked scared with Umbra's attack.

"N-n-nothing," the roughneck muttered. Then, he ran off. 

"Aww. I thought he'll battle me," what a waste. I always wanted to battle roughnecks! Maybe I intimidated him too much. I'll try to be nicer next time.

"Gray! Are you alright?!" Black came hurrying over.

"Oh sure!" I grinned. "Now go to your crush!"

"Uh... she's uh not..... uh here!" he muttered.

"Seriously?" I said.

"Anyway, since you're here," he said. "Let's go to the docks!" he ran off.

"Hey! Wait!" I said. "Umbra, Illusion!" upon my command, my Zorua transformed into a boy. Here in a place like this, many people would try to steal a rare Pokémon. I wasn't going to take that chance.

I tried to keep up with Black, but by the time we were in the main streets, I got lost.

"Oh great!!" I muttered. Umbra barked-laughed in human mode.

We wandered off the buildings, passing crowds on the way until we managed to find the Pokémon Center. I walked to the city map they provided and stared at the intertwining streets and roads.

"Looks like we've gotta figure this out ourselves."

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