60: King N and Sage Ghetsis

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Black and I ran on the platform, leading to the entrance of Team Plasma's hideout, which Black kept calling 'N's Castle'. I must confess, the architecture of this thing is amazing! And talk about how they kept themselves and this HUGE castle hidden BELOW Pokemon League! But this is not the time to be amazed.

Inside, the Seven Sages, no six, minus Ghetsis were there.

When we went inside the Castle, the Shadow Triad, a couple of creepy ninjas, greeted us. They looked at a room in front of us.

"This is where our King N grew up. This is his whole world," one of them said. "You are welcome to go inside," they vanished.

Black frowned while he took a peek inside the room shortly, then hurried up. "Gray, stay safe. I'm going to find N," he said.

"Okay," I said as I went inside. Why did Black frown?

Then I knew why. The room was like a kid's room, trains and all. They looked worn and used up, with Pokémon scratches and footprints. This is N's room??? His whole life sounded limited.

"Ghetsis never let him out," a Shadow Triad appeared in front of me, and I fell with surprise. "Our King N had never seen the outside world before."

I helped myself up. Somehow, the Shadow Triad wanted to help me up, but somehow, he can't. Or shouldn't.

"Ghetsis let him play with abandoned and tortured Pokémon," another Triad appeared. "Pokemon who told King N about humans mistreating them."

"And so, our King N believed that humans and Pokémon should be separated," the third one appeared. "And he promised the hurt pokemon that he should change the world."

"Oh," that's the only thing I said. I feel pity for N. I know he has a good heart, and he deserved better, along with the hurt Pokémon.

"I hope you understand," The Shadow Triad said again, as they vanished.

I do understand. It was not N who is wrong. It is Ghetsis. N was merely controlled.

"Thank you for telling me N's past," I said to the Shadow Triad, if they are still here anyway.

I'm sure Black would make N understand. But I would make Ghetsis understand. And I would make Aunt Clare understand, too.

I hurried up towards the other rooms, meeting some Team Plasma grunts. Some of them confessed that they do not want their partner Pokémon be separated from them, but some of them are excited. How different people are from each other.

Then I went inside a room with two girls older than me, one with bright golden blond hair and one with pinkish red hair.

"Welcome," they bowed at the same time "We are Anthea and Concordia, N's foster sisters."

"Foster?!" I said. What?! What do they mean?! N... Is N adopted?!

"Ghetsis found N in a forest, living with Pokémon and communicating with them. He can talk to Pokémon, which makes other people see N as a freak, but not Ghetsis. Ghetsis took the poor boy in and raised him to what he is now," Anthea said.

"Like N, we were orphans too and Ghetsis took us in. We took care of King N until he is crowned as our King. We believe that our King N would give every Pokémon a better future and teach bad people a lesson," Concordia said.

Now I'm really confused. With the Shadow Triad, Anthea and Concordia saying good things about Ghetsis... WHO IS GHETSIS? WHO IS N?

"Thank you. I'll uh..... keep that in mind," I ran away, still confused. Then I ran to the next stairs, where the rest of the Sages were, blocking Black.

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