49: The Fourth Sword

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I had no idea who Keldeo is, so I asked Cobalion and Virizion's help.

'Ahh Keldeo,' Virizion grinned. 'The little one we trained.'

'Yes. Gray, Keldeo is an orphan. During the Great Fire, Keldeo got separated from his parents. We took him and raised him like he was one of us,' Cobalion said. 'We could not bear to tell Keldeo that its parents already died.'

'Keldeo was a great student. He could even surpass us if he tried. But that's when he ran off, with no reason,' Virizion sighed.

'We would appreciate you greatly if you manage to save Keldeo from Team Plasma. Keldeo is one of our brethren after all,' Cobalion nodded.

"Thanks," I bowed to them, showing respect. They nodded back and were gone in the next second.

Keldeo, Genesect, Meloetta and Terrakion. The ones who still needed warning. I would try my best to save them, until Black permanently stopped Team Plasma. Of course, I'll be able to find my aunt, too. But deep inside, I'm getting suspicious about my aunt...

I finally walked toward the Moor of Icirrus. Somehow, I got a feeling that that place is significant to Keldeo. I herd some grunts talk about it earlier.

I arrived at the Moor, which looks like the most peaceful place I had ever seen. It was a small pine forest, with a lake and some puddles. There were a few tree logs and some rocks. Of course, I know that Team Plasma's in here somewhere.

I walked in between trees, without a care if Team Plasma suddenly attacked me. "Heeeyyyyy!!!!!!!! Team Plasma!!!!!!" I shouted. I'm really pissed off with Team Plasma, since they caused all this trouble in my almost-perfect life.

I heard some movements behind a large bush.

"Aero, Air Slash!" The Braviary cut the bush, revealing three grunts.

"Ahh! She found us!!!" a grunt said.

"I knew she would come here! She always interrupts our beautiful plans!" another grunt said.

"Interrupt?! You're the one interrupting my life and Unova's peace!" I snapped.

"Huh," they released all their Pokémon: Ferrothorn, Liepard, Herdier, Swoobat, Boldore and Fraxure.

"Aero use Crush Claw! Shiny use Tail Slap! Foul Play, Umbra! Use Dragon Pulse, Draco! Victini, Confusion!" My Pokémon burst out of their hiding place, which I already planned. They beat their opponents easily.

"You're more powerful than I thought," the grunt said. "Last time I checked, Ghetsis beat you up."

"Well, time changes," I snapped again. "Shiny use Sing!" without any effort at all, the grunts fell asleep.

"You actually thought that Team Plasma won't double its guards???" a voice laughed.

Out came ten grunts, who took out about twenty Pokémon. "Can you defeat all of us??"

"Shiny use Swift! Aero use Air Slash! Umbra use Night Slash! Draco use Dragon Pulse! Victini use Flamethrower!" my Pokémon beat them up again, but six Pokémon stayed firm.

"Haha, were not done yet!" another voice from my back said, another batch of Team Plasma Grunts. "We'll beat you up to a pulp!!!!"

I managed to take care half of their Pokémon, but they were too many. My Pokémon were already tired...

"Ha! Are you finally quitting??!" a grunt laughed out loud.

"Shiny, Sing!" I managed to make some grunts and Pokémon sleep, but the rest were awake. I ordered my Pokémon to focus on the ones awake and hit some sleeping ones. But once I beat a batch, another batch would come to the rescue. Finally, my Pokémon can't take it anymore.

"Return!" I returned them all.

"Finally quitting aren't we??" a grunt laughed. "If you were just-"

"Cobalion, Virizion! Lend me your power!" I shouted with all my might. Faster than the wind, the two Swords of Justice arrived, immediately hitting the opponent.

'Let me heal your Pokémon,' without further ado, Virizion healed all of them.

'Your brethren has gone too far!' Cobalion growled.

"The girl hasn't captured them yet!" a female grunt shrieked. "Catch them!!!"

Oh no.

"Victini, protect Virizion and Cobalion! Aero, Draco and Shiny, counterattack! Umbra, deflect their attacks!" I shouted.

I ran to help Virizion and Cobalion, catching Poké Balls that are thrown in their direction. Thank god Team Plasma were so slow and weak in throwing the Poké Balls.

"Shiny, SING!" I shouted. Finally, all of them fell asleep. "Thank you so much Cobalion and Virizion," I panted.

'You are welcome,' they nodded. 'Now, capture Keldeo's heart.'

I walked to a small hill, and shouted with all my voice left.

"Keldeo!!!!!!! I need your help!" I shouted.

No one came.

"Keldeo!!!!! Um, are you there???" no reply.

"Please Keldeo. I need you to help me!" finally, a gust of wind blew, revealing an orange and blue Pokémon.

'What do you need???' Keldeo smiled. 'I was just waiting for you to say please.'

"Please help me defeat Team Plasma! They kidnapped my aunt and want to separate people and Pokémon," I said. "If you do not want to help me, then please hide! Team Plasma are looking for other legendaries! They want to use your power against us!" I said.

'By helping you, it means that YOU are using ME against Team Plasma,' Keldeo replied bluntly.

"It's not like that... I just wanted you to help me. Because I really want to find my aunt and save Unova from Team Plasma," I said.

'Then that would be bad too. Since you wanted to stop other people,' Keldeo said.

"Being bad is using power for selfish means," I said. "Your help would be used in means of saving people and Pokémon and their relationship."

'I had heard Team Plasma's King. He wanted to save Pokémon, too, which is not a selfish act at all.' Keldeo said. 'He wants to protect Pokémon.'

"But I also want to protect people and Pokémon," I replied. Why can't Keldeo understand? Maybe I'm the one who does not understand..?

'But stopping Team Plasma only results to suffering of Pokémon in battles.'

"If Team Plasma wins, then PEOPLE and POKEMON would suffer, alike. They would be separated from their trainers that trained them and loved them," I said, finally having a small bit of hope. Maybe I'm not wrong after all. "But when Black wins, I promise that Pokémon that suffer from selfish trainers would be saved," I said.

Keldeo looked at me like it was figuring out if I was telling the truth. 'Truth and ideals alike eh?' Keldeo looked at me. 'I will help you. You have proven that your cause is not by selfish means,' Keldeo stepped closer to me. 'Capture me and I shall help you.'

"C-c-capture you?!" I said. "B-b-but wouldn't you w-w-want to be free?"

'I've already been free for a long time,' Keldeo smiled at Cobalion and Virizion. 'And as I roamed Unova, I felt sadness. I want to help and travel with someone worthy.'

"Me??" I said. "I'm worthy??"

'Why yes! I am proud of being a member of the Hero of Truth and Ideals,' Keldeo said. 'Now capture me and we shall save the other legendaries from the selfish hands of Team Plasma!'

I got an empty Poké Ball from my bag. "Okay, here I go," I threw it to Keldeo, who got sucked in white light. The Poké Ball moved thrice then clicked.

'Congratulations Gray,' Cobalion and Virizion said. 'You are now Keldeo's hero,' they looked impressed.

"Thank you for all your help," I said to them. "Thank you Keldeo, for trusting me in saving Unova."

I called Looker to get the rest of Team Plasma.

I might have saved Keldeo from Team Plasma, but there are others more needing my help.

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