45: The Dragon Tower

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My team and I travelled north, where the Twist Mountain lies. I already understand why it's called Twist Mountain... I have to around and around until I got to the bottom. But of course I cheated, I used Aero to help me go down every ledge. Its a good training for Aero, too. I do hope that Aero evolves to a Braviary soon. Of course, I haven't been selfish to my other Pokémon who needed more training. 

I trained Victini, Aero and Draco on running and flying and hitting rocks, which the workers were glad for. I helped them collect fallen wood, deliver some things to a station and destroy big rocks. Its about time Shiny and Umbra got a day off, but they joined us in our exercise. Victini was mesmerized at the mountain, which I let him be, since there weren't so many people. Draco had developed a thin pair of wings when he evolved, but he's not that good at flying too. Aero taught him some lessons, like jumping off a bit high ledge, but not high enough to cause accidents. I do like to see them working together and playing around. After a couple of hours, we exit the Twist Mountain and we arrived at Icirrus.

The first thing that came into my mind when I saw Icirrus was: SLEEP. Icirrus looked like a cozy place to rest. I want to sleep in one of the cabins and have a whole week day off.

But that's not going to happen. I have to hunt Team Plasma and protect the other legendaries. Or at least warn them. I already called Looker about the Dragonspiral Tower mystery, but he said he couldn't come because he's trying to find the hideout of Team Plasma, which sucks. I don't want to call Black, White, Cheren and Bianca since they're probably busy so is Professor Juniper.

"Oh a tourist!" a breeder squealed as she greeted me. "Where do you want to go?"

"To the Dragonspiral Tower!" I said.

We went to a lake with a huge tower in the middle. Unfortunately, those are not the only one I saw. Team Plasma was there, moving some kind of machine.

"You can leave now," I said to the breeder. "Those people look dangerous, maybe you can call the authorities?" the breeder nodded and left.

I hid behind a tall bush. I heard them talking about a girl who managed to destroy their plans, which undoubtedly is me. I also heard them talking about legendaries and where they might be.

"What do you think are you doing here??!" a voice said. I turned around as I saw Ghetsis and his Hydreigon. "She heard our plans! Eliminate her, Hydreigon!"

Before I could run or sent my Pokémon out, Hydreigon grabbed me with its claws and flew up in the air.

"Wha-?!" I screamed. "WAAAAAAA!" we were so high, past the tower itself. I tried to struggle and reach Aero's Poké Ball but then Hydreigon let me go.

"Waaaaah! AERO!!!!! SAVE ME!!!!" I took out my Rufflet, which was too weak and small to slow my fall.

"HELP MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" I screamed.

Aero tried all he can, but he can't slow me down.

I was almost near the ground and to my death... Then, strong claws grabbed my sweater and saved me from my fall. I saw a Braviary... Aero evolved into a Braviary!

"What?!!" Ghetsis snapped. "Your Pokémon evolved to save you?!! Impossible!"

"Father. Don't eliminate people," N appeared.


"She spoils our plans!!!!" Ghetsis snapped.


"We did not kidnap your aunt!" Ghetsis glared at me.

"We do not steal Pokémon," N followed. "We just save them from selfish trainers. We also planned to save legendaries from people who would do them harm."

"Eliminate her!" Ghetsis said.

N ignored him. "My apologies Gray, but I have to do this," he sent out his Galvantula, which paralyzed me. I can't move and can't speak...

"I will show you how I'll revive Zekrom and become the Hero of Ideals!" N said. "I shall save my friends and free them!"

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