43: The Bell

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"Whew, did we lose them?" I panted. Black and I ran far upstairs pass many floors, hoping to lose the curious crowd. Hopefully, there's no one following us now.

"Looks like it," he said as he adjusted his cap. "That was a great exercise. Now, let's train here!"

That's when the bell rang. The ringing was loud, but PEACEFULLY loud, like it was telling the world to change.....

"Wonder who's ringing the bell?" I muttered.

"I hate whoever's ringing the bell" he said as he covered his ears.

"Why?! Its not that bad!" I said as I rushed upstairs to see who that was.

"Hey! Wait!" I heard Black say.

Finally I reached the rooftop........

"N????!!!!" I saw the green-haired boy sitting near the bell.

"Oh, hello Gray. I didn't expect to see you here......" N said.

"Did you just ring the bell?"

"Yes," he said as he looked at my Pokémon. "I see. Your Pokémon had grown stronger and the bond between you had grown stronger too." Then, his eyes widened. "Victini..."

"Hey Gray!!!" I heard Black going up. "Wha?! N?!!!"

"Hello Black," he said, still looking at my Pokémon.

"You're the king of Team Plasma!!!" I remembered. "YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S HUNTING THE LEGENDARIES!!!! AND THE ONE WHO KIDNAPPED MY AUNT!!!"

"What?! What's happening?!" Black said as he glared at N.

"Yes, I do believe we did. We simply want to know more about the legendaries. I want to protect them from people like you. But we did not kidnap your aunt," N said as he stood up. "But that not the reason why I am here. You, Black is the reason why I am here."

Liar. I knew Team Plasma kidnapped my aunt.

"What do you want?!" Black said with gritted teeth. "IF YOU WANT TO SPREAD TROUBLE AGAIN OR  HURT MY- uh... GRAY HERE I'LL KNOCK YOU OUT AND PUSH YOU TO THE LEDGE!"

"I just wanted to hear you ring this bell," N said.

"Oh..." Black said as he walked towards the bell. He looked more calm but I know he's having suspicious thoughts.

"But you do steal other people's Pokémon!" I said. There is no way N is denying that.

"We do not steal. We merely separated Pokémon from their selfish trainers and protect them," N said, calmer than any of the Pidove flying around. "Now. Please do not speak anymore. I want to hear the bell."

I did shut up. I admit I want to hear how Black rings the bell.

"They say that ringing the bell gives the spirits of Pokémon more peace..." N muttered.

Black's ringing sounded okay. Sort of similar to N's ringing but COMPLETELY different. N's ringing sounded like he wanted to change everything but Black's ringing sounded like he wanted to keep things as it is. I saw N frown a little bit, like Black's ringing is annoying him.

"That's better than what you did," Black muttered.

N glared at him. "I do not want to argue some more. Now, Gray, since you're here, please ring the bell."

I went to the bell, which is a whole lot bigger than me and rang it.

The sound was sort of a mixture of N and Black's ringing.... But is it my imagination??? I looked at them, and they seem to be enjoying the sound.

When the bell stopped ringing, N frowned again. "I don't understand..." he muttered, then looked at us. "Someday, I'll become a hero of Unova. I'll protect my friends and make people release all their Pokémon. I look forward on battling you again Black. Goodbye Gray," he said as he took out a Tranquill and flew off.

"I wonder what's his problem..." Black said. "Hey Gray whose bell sounded better?"

"Hmmmmm. MINE," I laughed as Black frowned.

"Still think mine's better," he huffed. "Hey are you still hunting Team Plasma?"

"Yeah," I said. "I'm doing a pretty good job actually."

"Well..." he said. "I'll help you in anyway I can. I'll stop N for you okay?"

"Deal. I'll kick those Team Plasma grunts and save all the Pokémon and my aunt. Wherever she is," I said.

"Well, I'm sure you'll find her," Black smiled. "I'm going to the league too!"

"Good luck with that."

"Want to spend some more time in Mistralton?" he said.

"Oh, no. I have things to do," I said as I looked at the distance, where another tower stood.

"Oh. Okay," Black said. "Bye, then."

"Okay, bye," I said as I began to run down the stairs.

Now that I think of it, N's goal was not selfish. True, there are a lot of evil people who used Pokémon as tools and they deserve to be liberated from their owners. But at the same time, people and Pokémon can live happily together. But then, why were Team Plasma forcing everyone to liberate?

I keep thinking: What is Team Plasma's real plan?

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