11: First Gym Battle Part 2

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To my surprise, the Striaton Gym is a restaurant. Its a pretty weird place to have a gym battle, but I heard they sell good food. A good stomach comes first before a good victory!

When we entered, I can already smell food. A man went to us and gave us fresh water. 

The three of them challenged the triplet leaders: Chili, Cilan and Cress. They don't look like triplets all right, who ever heard of triplets with different hair color! And they don't act alike, they are completely different from each other! Each of them uses a different type of Pokémon and uses the type which is stronger than the opponent!

Fortunately, Bianca, Cheren and Black did a triple battle against them, making the leaders' Panpour, Pansage and Pansear faint. They gave them their Trio Badge.

"Your turn, Gray!" Bianca said.

"Fine, Shiny!" Shiny snapped to attention. 

"What's your starter?" Cilan asked.

"This is my starter," I said.

"No, seriously," Chili said.

"THIS IS MY STARTER," I repeated. Wow. Can't they understand that?

The triplets looked at each other. "A normal type eh?" 

"I'll battle her," Chili said. "Go Lillipup!"

"Fine with me either way," I replied lamely. "Shiny use swift!" 

The shooting stars hit the target critically. That's actually pretty easy than what I expected it to be. But I don't want to underestimate him just yet.

"Lillipup use Growl!" 

"Shiny, Pound!"

"Lillipup Growl again!"

"Use Double Slap!" finally, the Lillipup fainted.

"Return!" Chili took him back and sent his secondPokémon. "Pansear use Ember!"

The attack hit Shiny critically, and burning. This is getting interesting...

"Shiny use Swift!" the stars hit Pansear rather weak. Shiny must be suffering from all those Growl and that burn..

"Tsk," I am in a tough spot. "Can you still do it buddy?"

My Mincinno smiled and weakly squeaked.

"Okay. Give it your best shot: Double Slap!"

Shiny slapped Pansear across the face once but didn't make it. She fell and squeaked in pain.

"Return Shiny!" I placed her inside her Poké Ball, which was only the 2nd time as the first is when I got her from the lab. I am not going to force her in battle. 

"Go Umbra!" the overconfident Zorua barked at Pansear. "Use Pursuit!" 

Pansear didn't even have time to react. Zorua hit it with a harsh blow. It fainted instantly.

"Return Pansear, great job out there."

"Nice job Umbra," the Zorua smirked. "Return!"

"You're pretty good! But of course you still need training. Anyway, here's your Trio Badge," Chili handed me my first badge.

"Wow! Now were even!" Bianca said.

"Congratulations," Cheren nodded.

"Thanks," I replied. 

"With this badge, you can catch stronger Pokémon and you can use Cut outside of battle," Cilan explained.

"Why don't you train at the Dreamyard? There's a huge tree blocking the way inside the abandoned factory," Cress suggested.

"You can use Cut to cut that tree. It's a great way to practice," Chili grinned. 

"Thanks. But we have something else to do, right guys?" Black replied.

I don't actually remember anything about that. Oh well.

"Yeah. We have to go find Fennel," Cheren added.

"Come on!" Bianca squealed and we went out of the gym, but not before ordering some nice sandwiches.

After that, we healed our Pokémon back to health to the nearby Pokémon Center then we got going.

"I know it's right here somewhere" Black said as we strolled past the houses and apartments of Striaton.

I looked around the street. I saw a couple of things: kids playing around, people talking to each other, Pokémon roaming around and two guys wearing medieval suits. No sign of Fennel, whoever that is. I kind of expected her in a lab coat like the professor.

Wait, a minute. WHAT?! Two guys wearing medieval suits?!

"Hey guys, can I catch up to you later?" I said, itching to follow them. "I'll just meet you at the Pokémon Center."

I ran to follow the men with medieval costumes to the Dreamyard.

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