59: Champion Defeated

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"Here we go folks!!!" the announcer is so giddy with excitement. "Mister Black is about to battle Miss Caitlin of the Elite Four! If Black wins this round, he would be facing Alder! The Champion himself!"

"That guy is strong," Marshall flexed his arms, after getting defeated by Black using Braviary, he sure is pretty impressed.

I nodded, still worried about Team Plasma. The UDF and IP are still looking for evidence about Plasma Hideouts below the League.

"Our battle will make a good plot in my novel!" Shauntal added.

"Yes," Grimsley laughed. "I would like to battle him again!"

"I better prepare then!" Alder laughed. "But Caitlin won't let him win, like she always do."

Back to the battle, Black and Caitlin were exchanging attacks with their Pokémon. After a couple of seconds, Caitlin was down with one Pokémon, and Black has three left. Caitlin doesn't look like she's sleepy anymore, but she is still calm and collected.

With Musharna's final move, Caitlin's Gothitelle fainted.

"Oh my Arceus folks!" the announcer said excitedly. "For the first time in three consecutive years, a challenger would be competing with the Unova Champion!"

The crowds cheered, clearly excited.

I'm excited too, but I can't stop thinking about Team Plasma... How come they are not making a move? Are they waiting for something? What are their plans?!!

Black started to climb up the long stairs, toward the Champion's Room (in front of the Hall of Fame). He looked excited, but of course he would! He is about to reach his dream!


What the??!!! What's happening!

The crowds panicked, and the announcer was also panicking. Security guards and policemen were alert. There were a couple of UDF and IP representatives blended in the crowd, communicators and gizmos on their hands and Pokémon by their sides.

One thing came in my mind: Team Plasma.

My hair started to rise up and I hear a familiar crackle of electricity.

"TEAM PLASMA!!!!" I shouted as I began to run towards the Champion Room.

Then a blue electric ball, which happened to be a dragon, hit the top of the stairs (good thing Black's still not in the top).

Only one Pokémon would have been able to charge that electric ball, or should I say, Fusion Bolt.


The giant black Pokémon landed on the top of the stairs, in front if the Champion Room, it's tail glowing blue with electricity. On its back is the Hero of Ideals, the King of Team Plasma, Black's mortal enemy, N.

N swept across the Greek-styled room, towards Alder.

"I believe I swore in the odds that I will defeat you," N said calmly, sending out his Pokémon.

"I believe we promised the same thing," Alder said. "I will show you how wrong it is to separate people and Pokémon"

"Whatever," N said, finally sounding like a normal person.

The battle was already starting and I noticed that N is not using Zekrom. How arrogant. I heard the sound of footsteps coming toward us, the gym leaders.

"Prepare yerself imbecile!" Clay shouted as he took a Pokéball from his briefcase.

"Do not interfere, Clay," Alder said. "I want this battle to be formal."

"The UDF and IP are busy calming the people," Elesa said. "They would be here shortly, and arrest Team Plasma."

"Why would they arrest me? I have done nothing wrong," N said, continuing the heated battle.

Elesa kept silent, preventing herself from her rage.

I can't.


N ignored me, still battling with Alder. I can see Alder's Pokémon's fatigue, and N's Pokémon with pure enthusiasm.

"Calm down Gray," Professor Juniper said. "Where is Black?"

"Black can't come here," N said. "My friends secured this place, making sure nobody can go inside until I defeated him," he pointed at Alder.

"Stop this instant N!" Alder said, who is down with one Pokémon. "Why can't you see that Pokémon and humans belong with each other!"

N frowned, finally showing some emotion in his face. "See? You, the Champion of Unova, who left the Elite Four in charge of the League while you travel across the region wondering about your dead Pokémon and neglected the others are saying that I don't see??!!" he growled. "Zorua, finish this!"

N's Zorua finally gave a final Night Slash, making Alder's last Pokémon faint.

Oh Arceus.

"I-I-I," Alder said, falling down the floor.

Then Black went running inside the room. "Wha-? N?"

"Black, I challenge you to a battle, to see who is really right," N looked at him. "But not here."

Then the ground started shaking violently.

Behind the league, huge buildings with huge drills went up, towering and surrounding us. Huge platforms landed toward the ground, one of them heading toward the room and destroying its walls. Plasma members started going down the platforms, toward the crowd and UDF and IP representatives.

"Meet me at my throne room," N said as he swept across the room with grace, toward the platform.

"Alder!" I came running toward the fallen Champion, Black following behind me.

"I'm sorry," Alder sighed. "I was defeated, I didn't show N me and my Pokémon's bond."

"That's alright," I said. I sounded like a mother, but I don't care. This man needs support, and I don't care how old he is.

"I'll make him see it," Black said as we helped Alder up. "I'll go inside the castle. I will face N and show him his wrong."

"And I'm going to help him," I stepped forward. "I'm going to show Ghetsis, and more importantly, my aunt that they are wrong."

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