14: Missing Pokemon

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After leaving Dream Yard, I went straight to the Pokémon Center and talked to Professor Juniper, Aunt Clare and grandma. After that, I spent some time grooming myPokémon.

"Hey, Gray!!! We're back!" I heard Black's voice. "I missed you!"

I raised one eyebrow.

"Joke!" Black grinned.

Whew. Good thing he's joking.

"So that is a dream mist..." I heard Cheren mutter like he was remembering something. Musharna probably left some mist with them. I wonder if they spoke to the Fennel lady.

"Come on come on come on come on!" Bianca squealed. "I wanna go to the next city!!"

"Okay. Okay. We'll head to Route 3!"

Black, Cheren and I went first because Bianca insisted since she's going to call her parents privately. Which sounds pretty suspicious if you ask me. Not that I'm mistaking her for a criminal.

Cheren with his Snivy and Purrloin decided to battle with Black and his Tepig, Braviary, Munna, and Galvantula. This is my first time to see all of Black's Pokémon and they are heck pretty strong. And of course, Black won. Cheren explained that he had Braviary and Munna before their adventure, but I secretly know that. After all, I spied on them when we were kids.

Cheren and I battled too, and Shiny and Umbra are already pretty strong so Cheren lost again.

"Guys!!!" I hear Bianca shout. Her voice sounds troubled, like when I hear she lost her stuffed toy/ice cream/money back when we were kids.

"Huh?" Cheren asked pretty glumly, from all that losing maybe.

"This girl's-" I looked at the young girl beside her. "Pokémon was stolen!"

"What?" Black said.

Huh? Stolen?

"They were stolen by those Team Plasma guys!" Bianca said. "They couldn't have gone far! Please help us!"

"Okay, we'll help you. Come on Black, Gray!" Cheren said, running towards the opposite road.

"Please mister and miss, please save my Pokémon!" the girl cried.

"On it!" Black smiled then ran off to find Cheren.

"Don't worry, we'll get your Pokémon back," don't promise, don't promise, don't promise...


Oh great. I hate promising!

"P-p-promise," I managed to say.

I ran to find Black and Cheren. It was a straight road which led to a cave: Wellspring Cave.

It was dark inside and full of sharp rocks and slippery puddle but we finally reached the edge of the land. There were two grunts in there ( I can't believe it takes two adults to steal a little girl's Pokémon) who were arguing.

"Give the kid's Pokémon back!" Cheren demanded.

"Oh yeah? You have to steal it from us!" The grunts released their own Pokémon: Patrat, Purrloin, and a Woobat.

"Lets have a double battle, Gr-" Black was about to say...

"Shiny, use swift!" Mincinno released a series of stars. "You go battle with Cheren!"

Actually, I am not doing that to be mean. Its because I do not have any EXPERIENCE in double battles. My poor knowledge of battles will lead to my embarrassment to the most douchebag person ever!

"No," Cheren pushed me to Black. "Let's have a triple battle!"

Black grinned again. "Fine by me! Brav, use Brave Bird!"

"Snivy, use Razor Leaf!"

"Double Slap, Shiny!"

"Patrat use Keen Eye!"

"Purloin, Scratch!"

"Use Whirlwind, Woobat!"

Ha. Those grunts didn't even stand a chance. Even Snivy one hit KO'd Patrat, and I can't even imagine Braviary's.

Besides, I learned how to triple battle. A huge level up for me.

"Fine, take it back!" one of the grunts gave us a Poké Ball. Then, they scrammed.

"Come on let's get back to Bianca!" Cheren said.

But still I wondered. If Team Plasma wanted to save Pokémon, then why are they stealing them?

Pokémon BW: whiteflareXblackboltWhere stories live. Discover now