44: Winds and Rain

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"Oh come on!" I grumbled as I walked up the soggy and wet terrain toward Icirrus. "WHY DOES IT HAVE TO RAIN!!!"

The rain was so hard that my clothes are practically DRIPPING. I think I'm going to drown with this too much water.. And talk about the WIND. The wind here is enough to blow trees off! I can't even train with this weather! All my Pokémon are stuffed up inside their cozy Pokéballs, which makes me want to stuff myself inside a Pokéball, too!

Then I saw lights in the distance, which I tell you is not that FAR...

"A Cabin!" at last! Somewhere I can dry myself and borrow some umbrella and eat a nice, warm soup... I practically DRAGGED myself, since the wind is too strong...

I managed to knock on the door through chattering teeth. It's so cold.... I think this is not RAIN anymore!

"Oh dear! Come inside, come inside!" an elderly woman signaled me to go inside. "You would get a cold with this weather."

I went inside and the cabin looked like HEAVEN.... It's warm inside and there's a soup cooking and there's a cozy place to sleep AND TELEVISION.

"Sorry, but I can't stand this weather any more," I said through chattering teeth.

An elderly man placed a towel over my shoulders. "Dry yourself."

"Why did you travel in this kind of weather?" The elderly woman tended the soup.

Ahhh... I can almost taste it...

"I-I-I'm t-t-trying t-t-to look f-f-for s-s-something imp-p-portant," I said.

"Oh dear. Eat this soup first," the elderly woman gave me a bowl of soup... My mouth is already watering.

"Careful miss! Its full of vegetables!" a little kid sprouted from somewhere and stared at me like he haven't seen a human in a long time. I don't care if its full of vegetables...

I took a mouthful of soup... oh and it tastes like heaven...

"Tell the legend to her, grandma!" the little kid jumped up and down. He kind of reminds me with my dead brother...

The elderly man sighed. "Here we go again..."

"Okay," the elderly woman prepared some more soup and gave it to the old man and kid. "When I was a kid, I experienced a storm this strong. When I went outside, I saw two powerful legendary Pokémon. I was young back then and I got scared. The two Pokémon kept quarreling: one of them gives strong winds and the other gives strong rain!" she said as she took a mouthful of the soup. "Then, they flew away, still quarreling, and when I couldn't see them anymore, the winds and rain stopped."

"It's like they're controlling the storm!" I said.

"Yes. And I saw a book about them," she hobbled off to a bookshelf. "Here it is," She handed me an old-looking book, where I saw a picture of two scary looking Pokémon.

"Tornadus and Thunderus," I read. "What's this?" I asked about a torn page. The torn page had another picture but it was torn halfway, dividing the picture into 2. The half part looked like Tornadus and Thunderus in brown version. "La-" I started to read. "Its torn off. Can't read it."

"I do hope you meet the legendary Pokémon," the elderly woman said.

I kept thinking... legendary Pokémon... I'm pretty sure Team Plasma is pretty informed about them...

"Thanks for the meal," I grabbed my empty bowl and washed it. "Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping me," I bowed to the elderly couple.

"No problem dear. It is our job to help weary travelers," the elderly woman said while the elderly man grunted in appreciation.

I went outside, still a bit wet. The rain looked stronger than before... I just have to find Team Plasma... I can't see and hear anything with this rain and wind...

I heard a roar to my left, I glanced up and saw Tornadus flying around. As I expected, I heard another roar to my right and I saw Thunderus. They were quarreling, like the old woman said.

A Poké Ball suddenly arrived from nowhere but I kicked it just in time.

"Don't interfere!" a Plasma grunt appeared in the rain. "You.... YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DESTROYED OUR BEAUTIFUL PLANS ALONG WITH THAT CRAZY BOY!"

I wonder who might that crazy boy is but I have a suspicion that it is Black.

"You kidnapped my aunt and stole people's Pokémon!" I roared through the howling wind.

"We did not kidnap your aunt! Whoever she is! Besides, trainers like you don't understand Team Plasma!" she threw another Poké Ball towards the legendaries.

"Umbra, Night Slash!" the Zoroark slashed the Poké Ball into two.

"Argh! Don't interfere!" she shouted. "Tornadus and Thunderus are not going to stay here forever, you know!" she took out a Boldore.

"I won't let you use their power for evil deeds! Umbra, use Foul Play!"

"Boldore, Rock Tomb!"

Rocks rained down on Umbra, but Umbra was too quick, and he managed to dodge and made Boldore faint.


Tower??!! Dragonspiral tower?! Or Celestial Tower???!! But Black and I checked them yesterday... The only Plasma traces there was N!

"Shiny!" I took out my Cincinno. "Sing!"

Unfortunately, Shiny's voice didn't make it to the grunt because of the roaring wind.

"Ha! You even threaten me?!!" she stomped. "Liepard!"

"Shiny, Wake-up Slap twice!" Liepard fainted easily.

"WHAT?! I'M OUT OF POKEMON?!!" she shrieked. "Argh!" she threw a Poké Ball at Tornadus.

"No!" Umbra and Shiny can't make it.... Fortunately Tornadus noticed it and dodged just in time. It glared at the grunt, the current battle forgotten, and attacked the grunt with another strong gust of wind. The grunt fell and lost her balance and fell in the puddle.

"Sing!" This time, Shiny crept closer to the grunt's ear, and the grunt managed to fall asleep.

The winds and rain finally died down, revealing that Tornadus and Thunderus already disappeared..

I called Looker, to capture that grunt. I do wish that Tornadus and Thunderus are safe.... But its only a matter of time before the grunts track them down again... But how about the other Pokémon? The brown and more superior one?

I don't have any time to track Tornadus and Thunderus. I have to check out Dragonspiral Tower as soon as I can... There's something suspicious about that...

Pokémon BW: whiteflareXblackboltWhere stories live. Discover now