51: Next is Genesect

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I flew back to Nuvema Town on my Braviary. I have two purposes: to visit my grandma (even if I call her in the XTransceiver everyday) and to find the Plasma Laboratory, where Genesect lies. I heard from Looker that Genesect was once an ancient legendary Pokémon but their recent investigation showed that Team Plasma revived him from the fossil and mutated him.

I knocked on Black's house, since it is where my grandma is staying while I travel around Unova.

"Oh! Hello Gray!" Black's mom smiled. "Come on in!"

"Thanks," I said as I walked inside. "Where's grandma?"

"Oh! She's pruning some plants on pots. How's your journey? Black rarely calls me," Black's mom sounded sad.

"Oh, my journey's fine. Did Black told you that I'm hunting Team Plasma? I'm saving some le- I mean, Pokémon," I said.

"You sound really determined. Somehow, you remind me of Black. I do wish he calls often," she sighed. "It would be really good if Black and you became friends."

I flinched. "Uh.. we are friends."

"That's good," Black's mom smiled. "I'll go lead you to your grandma."

We walked upstairs, where Black's room is supposed to be. Grandma stays and sleeps in Black's room but in a different bed.

"Oh hello dear!" grandma smiled when she saw me. She was cutting some potted plants.

"Hello grandma. I was just here visiting you. Would you like to see Umbra?" I took Umbra out of his Poké Ball.

"Why! Its already a Zoroark. You have been training it hard," grandma smiled. "Remember Gray, you have to make sure your Pokémon have enough rest."

"Oh don't worry grandma," I said. "I will."

"Are you staying here for lunch?" my Grandma asked.

"I'm sorry," I sighed. "I'm looking for Aunt Clare. I've been doing a lot of hunting and saving these days, grandma."

"Oh dear. Just don't push your limits," my grandma pat my head.

"Okay," I smiled. "I better go now."

"Okay dear."

I went down, where Black's mom is.

"Thank you very much for taking care of grandma," I said.

"Oh don't worry," she smiled. "But please take care of Black for me okay?"

I flinched inside my brain. "Okay."

I walked past Route 1, where there was a river heading to the sea. I heard that the Plasma Laboratory is in an island near Nuvema.

"Go Keldeo!" I took Keldeo out of his Poké Ball. I climbed on Keldeo's small back. Keldeo said he would carry me on his back and he was stronger than he looks like. He had been practicing carrying logs on his back when he was younger.

'Hold on tight,' Keldeo said telepathically. I did and Keldeo walked on water.

Yes. WALKED ON WATER. Keldeo is a water and fighting type, and he has a special ability that makes Keldeo float and walk on water.

We passed the river which lead to the sea. The only thing protecting us from the strong waves are the rocks. There were strong torrents too, which Keldeo had to deal with. Fortunately, Keldeo trained really hard, and he passed through the torrent.

"There it is," I pointed to a small island. Keldeo ran to it, finally landing on solid land.

We arrived at an island, where a small laboratory stands. I'm a bit surprised that there are no guards. The only 'guard' is a CCTV camera near the door. Of course, Umbra used Illusion ability to trick the camera. We entered a small laboratory, where scientists are busy working with a machine. I'm more surprised when they did not see me coming. I walked upstairs, where I can see the whole machine. I saw a sleeping red Pokémon, with a huge cannon on its back. It looked like a Bug Pokemon. The scientists were pushing buttons on the machine where the Pokémon is. An important thing that I realized is that Genesect is already Team Plasma's. I can't capture it, can't free it. I only have to beat it.

Of course I need to stop the machine first. I walked to the end of the hallway, where a huge, electrical box is. I took out Draco.

"Draco, use Dragon Claw" I said. Draco did not waste any time. It slashed the electrical box, revealing electrical wires and a huge switch. I pulled down the switch. The lights suddenly closed and the machine stopped whirring.


"Who stopped the machine?!!"

"Is it a black out?? Where is the generator?"

"Turn on the electricity! Hurry! Genesect would wake up!"

"Shiny, SING!" I didn't turn out the lights until I made sure everyone is asleep.

"It's illegal to make tests on Pokémon you know," I said to the sleeping scientists. "Draco, Dragon breath!" Draco released a powerful breath, which melted the machine's glass and most parts. Genesect was left unhurt. It was twitching, like it was starting to wake up. In fact, when Genesect opened his digital eyes it attacked me!

"What the?!" I dodged out of the way, before Genesect hit me with his cannon. I need to beat this Pokémon up!

"Draco, Dragon Pulse!" Genesect does not know how to dodge, so it took the attack. Somehow, its like Genesect was not affected. It continued to blast cannons in our direction.

"Draco, Dragon Claw, then Retreat!"


"Dragon Rush!" my Zweilos continued attacking.

Boom! Boom!

"Dragon Pulse!"

There were more explosions. Genesect, who took up Draco's powerful attacks and is still not fainting, is wrecking the lab (whew, at least the scientists were not harmed). Draco dodged all of its attacks, but he is now showing signs of fatigue.

"Dragon Pulse then Dragon Claw!" I said. Finally, Genesect looked like it was getting some damage.

I shall use the ultimate move.

"OUTRAGE, DRACO!" I shouted. Draco turned crazy, hitting Genesect in any attack he could think of. Genesect did not even had the chance to attack, because Draco continued hitting him again and again. If Genesect manages to hit the Zweilos, I gave it a Potion immediately.

"Use DRAGON RUSH, THEN DRAGON CLAW!" I said when Draco managed to calm down.

With a final blow, Genesect fainted. I know there's some Poké Ball here somewhere. I saw an Ultra ball, which I think is Genesect's Poké Ball. I returned it, and buried the Poké Ball in the ground in front of the laboratory. I shall come back to Genesect and let it free when Team Plasma disbands. I called Looker to arrest the scientists.

My XTransceiver started ringing. It was Black.

"Meet me at the Route after Opelucid City," Black said, then ended the call.

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