29: A Different Goal

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Aunt Clare has been kidnapped by Team Plasma......

They broke inside the house and took her away.....

But the thing is, she didn't struggle....

She followed them with her own free will...

Team Plasma looked for Umbra, but they didn't find him. Fortunately, they left Grandma alone....

"Gray, are you alright?" Professor Juniper said through the XTransceiver.


"Are you sure? Look sweetie, I'm sure the police would find your Aunt. Don't worry."

Worry? Of course I'll worry!!! Who doesn't worry after their relative has been kidnapped!


"Hey, everything's gonna be alright!" Black said.

"Yeah! You'll find your Aunt and beat those Plasma guys up!" Bianca followed.

"Although, its very peculiar for a person to join her kidnappers willingly, maybe she's protecting something? Or maybe she's..." Cheren mumbled.

"You know, the gym leaders are already helping in solving the case," Professor Juniper said.

"And I'm sure we'll beat the pulp out of Tram Plasma!" White said.

They really don't understand....

"Why don't you take a rest?" White smiled. "I'm sure you'll feel relaxed after resting. You can sleep in the room next to mine."

"Okay," I mumbled as I walked away from them.

Team Plasma's gonna pay. I'm going to find her no matter what and I'm going to destroy Team Plasma.

"Does she know?" Bianca whispered loudly.

"Not yet," White mumbled.

"We should tell her N's the King of Team Plasma," Cheren said.

"Shhhhh!" White shushed.

Too late, White. Because I have a plan.

Forget going to the league. Forget collecting badges. I'm going to hunt N and every grunt he has and defeat them. I'll put Team Plasma down. I'll make them regret everything they had done: from stealing Pokémon and artifacts to kidnapping people.

I lie down on the bed. I can't concentrate, but I'm sure about my new goal. I'm going to save Pokémon and people from Team Plasma. I was forming my plan when I heard footsteps.

"Hey, Gray?? You awake?" Black asked.


"Just.... don't let anger control you okay? Because that's very dangerous," he said.

Sorry Black.

It already did.

"Just leave me alone," I growled. "For now."

"Okay," Black said and I heard footsteps going down.

I took my Pokémon egg. I remembered what Iris told me: this egg was found inside the Team Plasma hideout in Castelia. She thought that Team Plasma stole it from its mother, because this egg's specie is not supposed to be in a city. I'm going to avenge this egg, too. I'll protect it from Team Plasma. I'll train it to be strong and invincible.

I released Umbra. Umbra sniffed its surroundings and lay down next to me. I rubbed its fur.

"Team Plasma almost got you," I said to it.

It just blinked at me and went to sleep.

I'm going to protect Umbra too and make it even stronger. The strongest Zoroark ever.

This time, I released Shiny. It ran to me, sensing something was wrong and licked my face.

Shiny's the first Pokémon I officially got. She's with me right from the start.

"Are you going to help me defeat Team Plasma?"

Shiny squeaked in determination.

"We're going to get stronger, buddy," I took out the stone that White gave me.

Shiny looked at the stone. He looks excited.

I know this stone will help my Mincinno in becoming stronger. Stronger through evolving. I gave Shiny the stone.

Once Shiny held the stone, she started glowing white. After a couple of seconds Shiny's fur around its head and neck became longer and wrapped around its body. Cincinno.

With my stronger team and my soon to hatch egg, we're going to bring Team Plasma down.

"We're going to find Aunt Clare and show N that he's weak," I said to my Pokémon.

My Cincinno and Zoroark growled in unison. Somehow, I felt the egg shake in response.

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