10: First Gym Battle Part 1

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We went to Route 2, the first route where there are trainers you could battle. Like Route 1, it's inhabited by more wild Pokémon, but for some reason, they're much stronger than those back at home. Maybe it's because trainers often practice here before going to the gym. Speaking of trainers, there are a lot of them here. Some teenagers and kids like us were busy catching wild Pokémon and battling each other. 

I trained Shiny and Umbra against the stronger Pokémon deep in the taller grass. My friends had become pretty strong so the wild ones were no big deal. But then, the other trainers in the vicinity also wanted to test out their training by battling us!

Thanks to our previous experiences, we just breezed past them, hitting their Pokémon with 2-3 attacks, since they keep insisting we must battle. Some even blocked our way and prevented us to pass unless we battle them. Black is so giddy about getting his first gym badge (probably to impress whoever that girl is) and Cheren is so nervous while me so uh... looking forward to it.

Finally we arrived at Striaton City, a bustling, crowded place. It's my first time to be in a place where there's a huge crowd and I'm not used to it. I'm not comfortable but I need to train myself for these kinds of situations.

"Hey guys! Professor Juniper said that we must talk to her friend Fennel or something and help her with her research," Black said.

"Okay," Bianca replied. It's obvious that she wants to have fun in the city.

I wonder who this Fennel is. She sounds important. And smart. And this research thing sounds pretty interesting, too. I owe Professor Juniper a lot, so it's a small thing to help her friend out.

Anyway, Black learned something from the gym and some of his research stuff. He insisted going to Dreamyard first. So we went to Dreamyard, which looks like an old, abandoned factory.

"Hey, uh, are you guys going to challenge the gym?" a Pokémon breeder asked us.

"Um, yes. We are," all of us said.

She looked at Cheren, Bianca, and Black's starters. Then she gave them a Panpour, Pansear and Pansage respectively.

"You're going to need this guys," the breeder said.

"Hey, what about me?" I grumbled. "Where's mine?"

"You can beat the gym without my help,"

Wow. I'm really flattered. NOT. They get free Pokémon and I don't? AGAIN?

"Hmph," Black pouted rather weirdly. "Fine then. Why don't YOU battle the gym?"

I can't believe Black is getting jealous when I'm the one who should be!

"Hey, Black can I talk to you for a sec?" I said.

Black rolled his eyes. "Why don't YOU talk to the gym LEADER?" he replied lamely.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him away from Bianca, Cheren and the anonymous breeder.

"Hey!" Black complained.

"Are you jealous?" I grinned. "I can't believe you're actually jealous!"

"No! I am not jealous! That breeder just ruined my chance to impre-"

"It's about your CRUSH isn't it?" I grinned.

"What, no?! I just don't want to be bested by someone..." he grumbled.

"Fine then," I said. "Stop it, its really annoying."

His eyes widened. "Okay, I'm sorry."

Settled, we went back to Cheren, Bianca and the breeder who were giving us stares. Hmm... Perhaps Black really just wants to impress Bianca. That would make a lot of sense. Or maybe he's just an obnoxious, boastful little-

"Hey, let's battle the gym now!" Bianca squealed, interrupting my thoughts. "I'll go first!"

"I'll go second!" Cheren said.

"Me, third," Black added.

Fine then. I go last again.

(Edited: 4/5/16)

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