24: Prove Who's Stronger: Gray/Bianca

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"Hey, Gray!!!" I met Bianca at the Castelia Gate. It didn't take me long to spot her from the crowd, with her green and orange attire unique in the all-black-suits style of the crowd.

"Hey, What's up?" I said.

"Well.... Its been a while since I battled you and...." she grinned. "I want to see who's stronger!!!" she squealed.

Wow. She's sure pretty excited with battling me.

"Uh.. Yeah. Just wait a second," I was looking at the Pokémon egg Iris gave me, and it isn't that near to hatching. I wonder what's inside of this dark, purple egg?

"Oooooh. Is that your Pokémon egg?" she said.

"Yeah," I smiled.

"When will it hatch?"

"I don't know. I can't exactly calculate it."

"Well.. eggs like heat right?" Bianca said. "The desert's hot so..."

Wow. Bianca really doesn't know anything about the world. "We should start the battle," I put the egg back in the bag where it would be safe and hopefully, warm. We headed to a wide space free from crowds. We don't wanna create a commotion here in case one of our Pokémon hit an unsuspecting businessman.

"Yeah!" Bianca took out a Poké Ball. "Go Dewott!"

So Bianca's Oshawott evolved huh? I'm pretty impressed.

"Umbra, use Fury Swipes!"

In barely a few seconds, Umbra hit Dewott a couple of times with his sharp claws.

"Dewott, Razor Shell!" the opponent's spinning shell hit Umbra in the face.

"Umbra use Fury Swipes again!"

"Use Water Gun!"

"Dodge then use Fury Swipes!"

"Dodge then use Razor Shell again!"

The two Pokémon exchanged their series of attacks. With a final set of Fury Swipes, Dewott fainted. Umbra's pretty exhausted as well, after all that dodging and Razor Shells. I could see cuts on Umbra's body. Well, I better heal him later.

"Return Dewott!" Bianca took out her next Pokémon. "Herdier, Tackle!"

"Dodge Umbra!" As I looked at her Pokémon's attacks, I realized that Bianca must learn more about Pokémon accuracy, seriously.

"Uhh..." Bianca hesitated. "Pro-"

"Umbra, Pursuit!" my Pokémon hit hers with a strong tackle. "Seriously! Don't ever hesita-"

"Tackle," Bianca grinned as she cut me off. 

"Fury Swipes!"

The two Pokémon slammed into each other, Herdier finally fainting, and Umbra having very few health left.

"Return Umbra, take some rest!!"

"Go, Shiny!"

"Go, Pansear!"

"Shiny, Swift then Wake-up Slap!"

"Dodge then use Ember!"

"Dodge and use Swift again and again!"

Shiny got hit with the well-placed Ember, but Pansear had no escape from the Swift.

"Use Swift while running towards him!"

"Uh, dodge her attack then Ember!"

"Jump then use Wake-up Slap!"

The battle continued onward until she only has Munna, until Umbra hit her with Pursuit. Munna's psychic attacks don't work on Umbra. I guess Bianca has to remember something called 'Pokémon types' as well.

"Aww. I lost AGAIN!" she pouted.

"You need training Bianca," I said. "And trainer tips."

"Aww...." Bianca shook her head. "I feel so weak..."

"Come on Bianca! Be bold! Make your defeat a victory in training!" I pat her shoulder.

"No... I wish I'm strong like you guys!" Bianca said.

"Bianca... you are STRONG, but in a different way!"

"That's something a winner will say to a loser!" she wailed.

"Come on! Are you just going to stand there and do nothing? Take your opportunity to get stronger!" I cheered. "And read, while you're at it."

Bianca smiled. "Okay. I'll train at Desert Route and beat you!"

I laughed at her sudden optimism. "That's the spirit!"

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