41: Victini and Team Plasma

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I walked over towards the lighthouse, taking notes in my XTransceiver. There were a lot of people so I placed my Pokémon inside their Poké Balls. I heard some tourist guide talking to some backpackers so I decided to listen.

"This lighthouse here was built by a very rich man for someone. That man also owns this whole island! Well, as you can see, it has turned to a public place, tourists are free to come here," the guide said.

Then I suddenly heard a commotion.

"Please evacuate the island quickly!" a police officer said.

"Hey, what's happening?" I asked him.

I gasped. The police officer's eyes were closed!

"Please evacuate the island quickly!" he repeated.

Tourists began walking off, grumbling. I didn't join them. This police officer muttering the same words while his eyes are closed sounds suspicious... I hid behind a rock until everyone rode off the boats. Once everyone was gone, the police fell asleep. WHAT WAS THAT?!

"Hahaha. People are so gullible!" a female voice laughed.

"Come on, let's find that stupid legendary Pokémon!" a male voice said. "Let's make him sleep well first, shall we? Gothorita Hypnosis!"

Then, two figures came out. As I expected, they were Team Plasma.

"Now! Gurdurr, break open the door!"

I heard a loud crash, and hypothetically speaking, the door of the lighthouse was destroyed.

"Search for Victini, Gothorita!"

I crept closer, making sure I don't get noticed, unlike that Dreamyard accident.... I took out Umbra silently.

"Umbra, use your Illusion to trick them" I whispered.

Umbra turned into a Team Plasma Grunt and walked closer to the real grunts.

"Hey! It's about time you arrived!" the male grunt said. "Let's go find that Victini."

"Argh! Do we really have to find all of Unova's legendaries?!!" the female one complained.

Find all Unova's legendaries??!!! That's why there were grunts patrolling around Cobalion and Virizion's place! I have to make sure Terrakion and who-knows-who-else are safe!

Umbra and the grunts went inside the lighthouse. I followed them inside.

"There you are!" the grunt said.

I saw a small orange and white Pokémon, with large ears shaped like a V.

"Gothorita, Hypnosis!"

"Umbra, Night Slash!"

My Zoroark transformed easily and slashed his opponent before it attacked. The Gothorita fainted.

"What the?!" the male grunt looked at me. "Intruder! I'll take care of this punk! Go catch Victini!"

"Umbra, protect Victini!" I took out Shiny. "Shiny, Wake-up Slap!"

The grunt girl released a Yamask.

"Go use Hypnosis on Victini and Zoroark!" she screamed.

Victini panicked and went flying around. The grunt boy released a Golurk and a Gurdurr.

"Golurk, block the way! Don't let it escape!" The Golurk followed. "Gurdurr, beat her Pokémon up!"

"Shiny use Swift on Gurdurr and Yamask! Draco and Aero beat Golurk with Brave Bird and Dragon Breath! Umbra use Night Slash on Yamask!"

Umbra dodged the opponent's attack and hit Yamask critically, causing it to faint. Umbra was not able to dodge Gurdurr's attack and so it hit him critically. Shiny's stars hit Gurdurr while Draco and Aero continued to attack Golurk.

"Umbra return! Shiny finish him with Tail Slap!" Gurdurr finally fainted.

"Tsk, Go Swoobat!" the girl grunt released another Pokémon.

"Shiny help Aero! Draco use Dragon Breath on Swoobat!"

The Swoobat dodged Draco's attack.

"Shiny, Swift on Swoobat!" The stars hit Swoobat critically, causing it to fall.

"Draco use Dragon Breath!" Finally the Swoobat fainted.

"I'm of Pokémon!" the girl wailed.

"Shiny, Tail Slap! Draco, Dragon Breath! Aero, Crush Claw!" the three Pokémon hit Golurk, causing it to faint as well.

"You're good! But not this good!" he kicked my Deino.

I gasped. "Draco! Shiny use Sing!"

I ran to Draco, who's whimpering. The grunt kicked him hard. Draco is still a hatchling! It hasn't developed strong bones yet! The two grunts fell asleep with Shiny's voice.

The Victini, who finally stopped flying around the room floated above Draco.

"Can you help Draco, Victini??? Please help him!" I said to the legendary. I helped Victini, so I wish Victini would help me!

The Victini smiled and gave me a peace sign. It floated nearer at my Deino and touched it. Draco started glowing white.

Is that supposed to happen? I wish Draco would be fine....

Then, Draco's body started growing! Its evolving! I can't believe Victini has that much power! When the glow faded, my Deino got a new head... Draco evolved into a Zweilos!

"Thanks Victini!" I hugged the orange Pokémon. I cuddled Draco, too.

Draco barked happily and I returned it to his Poké Ball along with my other Pokémon. The Victini looked at me curiously.

"Are you going to stay here?" I said to Victini.

Victini shook its head, pointed itself, then pointed at me.

"You want me to capture you?!" I asked it.

The Victini squeaked happily and got an empty Poké Ball inside my bag and gave it to me.

"Are you sure Victini?" I can't believe two legendaries just offered me to capture them.

Victini nodded. Okay then. I threw the Poké Ball at Victini. I never captured a Pokémon before. Shiny, Umbra and Aero were given to me and Draco was hatched from an egg. This is my first official capture. Once the empty Poké Ball touched Victini, it opened and sucked Victini inside. The Poké Ball trembled thrice then clicked....







"Hey Victini! Welcome to the team!"

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