5: Training in Route 1

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"Hey guys! Let's take our first step on Route 1 together!" I heard Bianca say.

I would like to take my first step too, but they don't even know me that much to the point we're not considered friends. Besides, that annoying Black thought I'm his stalker. Joining them would be social suicide.

"Do we really need to do this?" Cheren argued. "Because-"

"Hey! Stalker!"

Oh great mother of Arceus! Why now?!

"What'cha doing here? Stalking me again? Wait you've got a Pokémon?" Black grinned like a Wooper, which was really offending. Maybe I should punch him.

Shiny squeaked back. "Yeah I've got a Pokémon. Want to have a battle at the end of Route 1?" my stupid little brain said automatically.

"Wait! I want to have a battle, too!" Bianca said.

"Sure. I'll battle you and Cheren," my stupid little brain strikes again!

Cheren frowned. "Okay."

"Fine then! But watch out, I'm pretty strong!" Black countered.

Hmph. This little brat is really getting in my nerves! Well, maybe I'm a bit annoying too... 

"Hey, what if we make it a contest then? We'll train at Route 1 and then we battle!" Black announced.

"Let's take our first step first and then we train?" Cheren suggested.

"Then we'll see who's got the biggest number of Pokémon caught!" Bianca added.

"Okay. I'll leave you to your first step!" I said. I don't want to get beaten in my first battle. Especially against Black. "Let's go Shiny!"

Route 1 is not what I seem to expect. It's pretty in its own way. Wildflowers in different colors bloom on one side, dancing cheerily with the wind. A clean spring runs on the west, leading to the sea. Running Pokémon dart here and there in the tall grass while some water-types bob their heads to the surface. The Route is the kind of place that artists would like to stay in, the kind of place where you'll get inspiration.

"Come on Shiny!" I said to my optimistic Minccino. "Come on out too, Umbra!"

Umbra looked at his surroundings, sniffed the air, yawned, then waited for a command. So elegant.

"Uhh..." I never trained a Pokémon before! What should I do? Should I go to the tall grass and battle wild Pokémon? Hmm... most of the kids and trainers in television and books do that so maybe that's how training works.

"Come on! Follow me!" I told them. We entered the tall grass, waiting for something to happen. "Stay alert!"

A wild Lillipup came sniffing us over, noticed Shiny and gave a small bark. Shiny gave an angry squeak but then Lillipup started to attack her. Shiny squeaked in pain as the opponent bit her tail, while Umbra smirked.

This is it. My first battle. It's not exactly what I expected but hey, I can't really complain.

"Shiny, dodge its attacks!" Lillipup continued on Tackling Shiny. She's trying her best to dodge it and counterattack at the same time.

Better think fast. I know I should use physical moves against Lillipup. It's a normal type but I don't know what Minccino's moves are.

"Shiny use Pound!" I experimented.

Gee. This is actually harder than I thought. What more in real trainer battles! That Pokédex would be a great help...

Shiny hit Lillipup alright, but it's not enough to win me this battle. Lillipup tried to attack once more, wildly chasing my Minccino in the grass.

"Uh... Pound again! Dodge its attacks!"

Shiny tried her best, sidestepped to the left and continued hitting Lillipup with her arm smacks until it fainted.

"Nice job!" I fed Shiny an Oran berry. Not bad for a newbie, I guess. "Your turn Umbra!"

The Zorua jumped into action. This Zorua is pretty stubborn right from the start, but I'll try my best. Hopefully, he won't ignore me.

We searched the tall grass, looking for more wild Pokémon. Luckily, we found a Patrat eating some sort of cheese.

"Umbra, use Scratch!" I commanded, trying to make the first move to engage the wild Pokémon into battle.

Umbra attacked with surprising speed, Scratching the Patrat across the face. To my surprise, Patrat fainted instantly.

"Woah, a critical hit?" Zorua smirked. This Pokémon is stronger than I thought. It probably had a higher level than Shiny and the Patrat.

We continued battling wild Pokémon, namely Patrats and Lillipups, making sure my Pokémon gets enough praises and Oran berries. It was not that bad and I was getting a hang of battling. My Pokémon were enjoying them, not to mention their snacks.

After an hour of training, Shiny and Umbra were already pretty tired. I'm pretty tired of shouting commands, too. But all those training did had their effect. Without any device to check Shiny and Umbra, I pretty much concluded from their improved strength and speed that they had leveled up quite nicely.

"Good job, guys!" I returned Zorua to his Poké Ball. Shiny insisted on staying so I agreed.

I let them have their rest which consisted of sleeping, eating, and playing before facing Cheren, Bianca, and my mortal enemy: Black.

(Edited: 4/4/16)

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