17: Another Formula

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Platina helped me a lot with training my pokemon. We eventually taught Shiny to use Wake-up Slap and Umbra to make his moves more powerful. Platina looked strong, a hidden strong, even though I beat her Sawk. She looked like she could beat Black, with all that knowledge stuck in her head. But she's really nice. She even asked me if there was a game corner here! Before she left, I saw another one of her Pokémon. Her Pokémon is a tall blue penguin. It has a crown-like thing on its head and just by looking at it, I feel like I could cry in intimidation. We said goodbye eventually.

"Are you ready Shiny, Umbra?"

My Mincinno squeaked excitedly and Zorua smirked.

"Well then, come on!" We were about to enter the museum, when a weird man came out.

"Oh.. you," N said.

"That weird guy in Accumula!" I snickered. "What do you want?!"

"You are not the one I wanted to see," he said. "I wish to see Black."

"Fine! Just get out of my way!"

"Hmm.. your Pokémon..." he looked at Shiny and Umbra. "Their voices..."

"Don't involve me with your weirdness," I said. "Now, PLEASE get out of the way."

"I wish to battle you, Gray," he said. "Pidove, Gust!

A blast of air hit us. "Shiny Swi-" I was about to say. Hmm.. if I am about to use swift, there is a possibility that some stars could hit us because of the wind. "Double Slap!"

Shiny hit Pidove two times. The wind stopped immediately. "Then use Swift!" bursts of stars hit Pidove and it fainted.

"Return," N said. "Timburr, Low Kick."

The Timburr was fast and it hit Shiny hard.

"Tsk! Shiny use Swift!" the stars hit Timburr critically.

"Timburr, Low Kick again!"

Shiny got hit again, and it was pretty bad.

"Shiny, return!"

N's eyes widened with shock. "You returned your Pokémon..."

"Duh! Shiny's health is too low. She'll just hurt herself more!" I said, obviously.

"Return, Timburr!" N said.

"What? You're quitting already?" I said. This guy is so weird.

"I do not want morePokémon to get hurt, too," he said. "You might understand me. Battles make Pokémon suffer! People must release them!"

"No! Battles make Pokémon stronger! Battles help trainers and Pokémon understand each other and trust each other!" I said.

"Then why did you return your Mincinno?"

"Because she's already at her limit!" I said.

"I do not want to believe you. Trainers push their Pokémon to their limits! They do not care for them!" he said. "I had already seen Pokémon who were abandoned, tortured, and hurt!"

"Not all trainers are like that, N," I said. "Yes. There are trainers who use Pokémon as tools for destruction. But there a trainers who love their Pokémon and would not abandon them."

"..." N was silent. "But still.. Pokémon must be free! They must be separated from people who will hurt them!"

"Yes! But together, Pokémon and people can bring out their best by helping each other!"

"You.. You want to let Pokémon and people together but do not want Pokémon to get hurt..." he muttered. "Which side are you?"

"Nobody's side!" I said.

"Nobody??" he muttered. "Another unsolvable formula..." and he walked away.

Pokémon BW: whiteflareXblackboltWhere stories live. Discover now