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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Bryce Taylor,

Me and Xayvion just left from our glass bottom boat tour and it was amazing and of course we are headed back to the room because my stomach upset.

"I don't see how you got sea sick on the boat."

"It wasn't the boat. It was that beef whatever you had me try. It was so nasty."

"I'm sorry baby." He said hugging me as we walked into our room. "But aye at least you have had something other then turkey."

"Yeah but now my stomach hurt, I should have never let you talk me into trying it." I said going to the bathroom.

"Shitty booty ass." Xayvion said laughing.

"Keep it up and your right hand gone become your wife."

"Don't do that." Simba said walking in the bathroom.

"Then leave me alone. See this is why I don't like anything other then turkey."

"You liked the chicken that time."

"Only if it's baked or roasted."

"You such a picky eater."

"I have a very sense stomach Simba. That's one the major reasons why my parents never experimented with my food." I said rubbing my stomach.

I hate that my stomach is so messed up.

"What can I do baby." Simba said rubbing my stomach.

"Help me use the bathroom."


"My mom use to run water and rub my back to help me use the bathroom." I said looking at him as he sat in the tub beside me.

He turned around and turned the water on and then started rubbing my back. He kissed on my neck and rubbed my stomach and back while humming in my ear. I laid my head in his shoulder.

I hate going through this man. But I have to deal with it thanks to my mom and her messed up stomach.

"How you feeling?"

"Like I can't use the bathroom."

"Don't make me feel worse then I already do." He said hugging me.

After I finally used the bathroom, I just laid in the bed while Simba went to get something.

"I'm back." He said tossing the bag on the bed while he started undressing.

I opened the bag and took a box of condoms out.

"Interesting." I said playing with the box.

"I figured we might as well start using them before lil Simba or Waverly come earlier then expected." He said get in bed.

Half of his body laid on top of my upper half as he kissed my lips a few times.

"So after a week of relying on the pull out method you finally realized that it's not a 100%."

"Come to find out the shit ain't even 50% more like 20% and my mom will kill me if I make her grandmother before she turn 40."

"Y'all annoy me sometimes." I said tossing the condoms to the side.

"How come you not on birth control?"

"I heard it does bad things to the body and I proud myself on keeping unnatural things out of my system."

"So I guess you want a natural birth and everything." He said rubbing my stomach.

"I want a home birth." I said causing him to frown his eyebrows.

"I think not. A hospital is safer and cleaner."

"No, a home birth is cleaner. Do you know how dirty hospitals are. People die there."

"It's still safer."

"How about a birthing center."

"Let me think on it."


"So the plan for today?" He asked rubbing my stomach.

"Hm let me think." I said really trying to think of an activity.

"Poor sex?"


"Shower sex?"

"Just sex?"


"Oral sex?"

"No, wait." I said rethinking what he just said.

"You just want to ride my face."

"It has been a while but that can wait till my stomach is back at a 100%. How about we do the aqua bike adventure?"

"I sound fun, I guess we can."

"Then we can have sex when we get back."

Right after I said that Xayvion was changing into some basketball shorts and getting my swimsuit off the banister from outside.

"Shameful." I said getting out the bed.

I changed my into my swimsuit and put my pullover dress over it.

"Ion know if you gone make it." Simba said wrapping his arms around me.

He started kissing my neck.

"I said when we get back." I said getting out his grip.

"You a tease."

"How? How sway? Please explain." I said as we walked out the room.

This whole trip I haven't been on my phone at all. I talked my mom the first week but other then that I haven't had my phone of me.

"You annoy me." He said laughing.

Once we arrived at the place and I have to say I lowkey don't feel comfortable because here because it's all males here and only two females. I guess it's like some type of family vacation or something but this one dude is just staring at me like I'm some piece of meat.

"Yeah we going somewhere else or I'm have to kill that nigga." Xayvion said as we turned around.

"We can come back later."

"I guess."

"Lets go to I don't even know." I said as we started walking around the little area we was at.

"Aqua safari." He said pointing to the sign.

"Sure." I said.

We walked to the place and filled out all the proper paper work and everything before going on our aqua safari.


After the aqua safari we went out to eat and then went back to the hotel and had sex and of course my special husband did not use a condom after buying a box of condoms.

"You know I think for the condom to actually prevent pregnancy you have to wear it during sex." I said looking up at Simba as I laid on his chest.

"Damn I forgot."

"Yeah Mama Mackenzie is going to kill you." I said turning over.

I walked to the bathroom and started rubbing water in the tub. Once the tub was nearly filled, I got in and just relaxed. I laid back in the tub and just closed my eyes until I felt Xayvion getting in the tub. I stayed still for a moment and then climbed into his lap which caused him to start kissing down my neck.

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