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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Xayvion Taylor,

It has been a month and some weeks since everything happened and me and Bryce still ain't back at 100% yet. We haven't had sex, kissed, hugged, or even talked for more then five minutes.

I can't remember the last time we even said I love you to each other in these past few weeks. We use to say that shit daily but it's like those words are unheard of and the feelings are just fading.

"Can we talk?" Bry asked as she walked into my home office.

"I'm busy."

"I get that your mad and I know I messed up big time and I'm sorry. But something's wrong." She said looking at me.

I looked in her eyes and noticed the worry which made me stand up.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know something just not right."

"Come on let's go to the hospital." I said walking over to her.

While making our way to the hospital Bryce had to stop and get some chicken nuggets from Wendy's which is odd because she hate nuggets.

"What happen?" I asked looking at her briefly as she mixed all the sauces together.

She literally got every sauce they serve and is now mixing them together.

"My body just don't feel right. I know something is wrong but I can't figure it out."

I nodded my head and focused back on the road.

Once we arrived we had to wait in this slow as waiting area before she finally went back.

"What seems to be the problem?" The doctor asked.

"My body doesn't feel the same." Bry said before placing her hand on her stomach.

"What do you mean?" The woman asked but before Bryce could answer she ran to the trash can go throw up.

"Did she take a pregnancy test at home recently?"

"Yeah but it came back negative."

"Well I want to run one thought blood just to make sure." She said before walking out.

I held Bry hair for her and rubbed small circles in her back as she nearly threw up her organs.

Once she finished she got back in the bed and just laid down.

"I know you still hate me but can you just lay with me. Please."

I climbed in bed with her slowly rubbed her stomach.

"In sorry for lying. I wasn't thinking and did something so stupid that could ruin our marriage." She said while rubbing my hand.

"I might have overreacted a little bit and shouldn't have pushed you away because we all do stuff without thinking."

"But I'm your wife and your my husband. We can't make decisions or choices like that without talking to each other."

"We so childish and petty." I said before laughing.

"That was you." She said laughing.

When the doctor finally and took her blood but also made her pee in a cup and then we just waited for the doctor to come back.

We just laid in the bed not really saying anything to each other but nothing really needed to be said. We understand that we were both sorry for our actions and knew we had to do better but right now actual spoken words would only make things worst because nothing is worse then a hurt mind speaking hurtful words.

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