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Friday, November 10, 2017

Bryce Taylor,

The pain I'm in is unbearable, unbelievable, and just not right. I don't know what's going on but I know this ain't right.

I'll be 35 weeks tomorrow which mean I still have two full weeks before I can deliver. The baby can be born at 37 weeks but I don't think 35 is good. Plus, I don't even know the gender.

"Bry." Simba called causing me to look up.

I'm currently sitting in a tub of warm water trying to get the pain to go away. Simba wants me to go to the hospital but I'm not in labor. I told him give me at least till tomorrow before making me go.

"You still in pain by the time I finish dressing Mekonnen you are going to the hospital."

"We don't even have anybody to watch him."

"Ty home by himself. I'll call him and ask him to pick Konnen up from the hospital. You going if you ain't out of pain or at least done shaking by the time I get back." He said before finally leaving. I tried everything I could before Simba came back.

Nothing worked, the pain got worse by the second. The tears started pouring and my body was shaking more then ever. I couldn't control anything. Everything felt numb my fingers, toes, arms, even my head.

Once I heard Ty voice I knew that meant I was on my way to the hospital.

"Come on baby." Simba said helping me out the tub.

The pain from standing up just made my body shake even more. I promise you, no more kids for me. This ain't for me. This hurt worse then pushing Mekonnen head out.

Getting dressed and actually making it to the car was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. The car ride was no better. Every bump felt like I was getting hit with a metal bat in my vagina. Everything this about this was bad and there is no doubt I'm in labor now.

I promise, if labor felt like this with Mekonnen this baby wouldn't be in my stomach at this moment.

As soon as we arrived at the hospital nurses were at the door with a wheelchair. While they rushed me up, Simba parked the car.

Simba and my doctor walked in at the same and my nurses looked relived.

"How you feeling Mrs. Taylor."

"Pain, I'm feeling pain. It hurts. I feel like a elephant stepped on my vagina and then someone came and plucked it." Being overdramatic really isn't the case at this point.

"Let me check and see." She said cleaning her hands and putting gloves on.

Simba came beside me and started rubbing my forehead with his thumb. It's relaxing but I don't want him touching me. I'm like this because of his sperm.

"You are four centimeters dialed and about 90 effaced. You are definitely in labor." The doctor said standing up. "Has you water broke?" She asked taking her gloves off.

"No." Simba answered for me.

"I'm give it a few more minutes. If she reaches five and it still hasn't broke I'm come break it myself."

"Okay." He said as she began walking out the room.

"I don't want anymore." I said looking up at him.

Pain had always been something I didn't like. So labor with this baby is really something I don't like. It hurt to the point I can't even cry anymore. Like it hurts to let a single tear fall, it hurt to talk, it hurt to move, it hurt to just be laying here.

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